International Scholarships

Friday, September 19, 2008

Free College Grants and Scholarships ebook

This free ebook will set you on the right track in your search and applications for college grants and scholarships. In this ebook you will find college grants and scholarships, how to write letter, and application, also interview and speech presentation information.

Download Free e-Book

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Free Scholarship Guide for College Students!

Make optimal use of Internet technologies to find scholarships. Scholarship Search Secrets is a 35 page electronic book (eBook) about how to use popular Internet technologies like Google web search and RSS to find scholarships.

Click here to download

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Secrets to Securing Scholarships

An education is an asset that lasts a lifetime, which is why most of us lay a lot of emphasis on getting a good one. Not all of us can afford to go to the best schools, but there’s where scholarships lend a very welcome helping hand. Again, not many of us are blessed with the skills and dedication that it takes to land the most prestigious or well-endowed scholarships that are on offer. If you’re on the lookout for a scholarship to bankroll your education, the pointers offered below will come in handy.

  • Sharpen your search skills: Very often, securing a scholarship successfully means that you know where to look rather than just hunting at random. Start brushing up your scholarship search skills much before you need the money; talk to people who’ve gone down the same road before you; do what you have to do to qualify for each scholarship; enlist the Internet and free online search services in your search efforts. Once you’ve shortlisted the ones that you do qualify or, read the applications from top to bottom. Get the documentation you need to support your application ready before you start filling out your forms. Be very careful to read each section and question before you fill in details about your personal and academic lives. Before you send in your application, check to see if you’ve done all that you need to correctly. Take care to send in your applications well before the due date. Some scholarships have post-by dates as deadlines, so read the instructions carefully to avoid losing out on good scholarships due to trivial technicalities.

  • Follow up on your applications: Your job is not over once you’ve sent in the applications. You must check to see if you’re received a reply every now and then. Most institutions set deadlines for your acceptance, so you risk losing the financial aid if you do not respond in time. If you’re going to be away, get a friend or family member to keep tabs on your email or letterbox for you.

  • Perseverance is the keyword to success: Even if you’ve been rejected time after time, don’t give up. If you’re serious about your education and know that it’s a way out of your current life and a passport to your new one, keep on looking for scholarship offers and sending in your applications.

  • Learn from past mistakes: If you’re rejected one too many times, take stock of what you’ve been doing and check to see where you’re going wrong. Find out if you meet all the qualifications that each scholarship sets. Seek help from someone who’s been there and done that, and who’s had more success than you seem to be having.

This post was contributed by Heather Johnson, who writes on the subject of the best colleges. She invites your feedback at heatherjohnson2323 at gmail dot com.

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Things to Prepare Before Applying a Scholarship

Getting a scholarship for an overseas study is a competitive process. This is because many people like you want the scholarship, but not all can be awarded. The cholarship money is simply not enough to fund all at once. Also, the scholarship providers want to ensure that only the best, well prepared applicants are selected and so the money is spent rightly and efficiently to what it is intended for. So, you have to be a winner!

Lots of people have won scholarship. You hear this every time. But how have they done this good job? Are they luckier or more superior or intelligent than others? No, they are not! If you ask them about the winning secrets are, they may simply give you the following lists: things to prepare or consider before applying a scholarship.

Academic certificate and transcriptSoon after graduation, do not wait. Obtain your original academic certificate and transcript, and make some copies of them.

You need to certify them and, remember, that people at university are some times going somewhere when you need their signatures. More importantly, you need to translate both your academic certificate and transcript. Check around, there maybe some people have done the same.

This will ease the task. If not, they are yours anyway. When you are done, it is wise to get other people to see them. They may give you valuable inputs, even correcting misspelled course names. Again, you need signatures of dean and rector on the translated version of your academic certificate and record.

Research proposal
You need to decide earlier which study route you are going to undertake - course or research or both. If you prefer a course-based study, you do not need a proposal. But if you are going to do a research, you definitely need a research proposal.

Good research proposal require time and energy to construct. So it is always better to prepare it earlier. Basically, the proposal will not be much different to the one you have done previously in your research as part of your undergraduate study. This will include background, objective, problems or questions to answer, hypothesis, methodology, and references. These are the essences of a proposal.

When you are done with those basic requirements, ask suggestions from others. When the application is open, check if the scholarship provider requires a bit more to what you have prepared.

Letter from intended university and supervisorsDownload application form from the university website and fill it before send it back to the university. The university will respond you and issue you with a letter of acceptance. You may indicate in the form that you will begin your study next year, waiting for a scholarship which you are now struggling for. Most likely they will issue you with a conditional acceptance. They will keep reissuing this until you succeed with your scholarship application.

While your are in the website, go to your targeted department or school to find your potential supervisor. Even, this needs to be done first before filling in a admission form. The reason you will not studying in this university unless you have got an academic staff willing to supervise you.

So get their email address, and make contacts with them. In the first time, you just need to introduce yourself, mention your academic background and your research proposal, and ask if he/she is available to supervise you. If they are busy because there are many students already under their responsibilities, don't panic. Ask him/her if they know people around there who are still able to take additional students.

The good with the letter from university and supervisor when you have them at hand is that you can attach them to your application form and present them to the interviewers. These letters will increase your chances of winning the scholarship because the interviewers will so impressed that you are better prepared and have taken more advanced steps compared to other candidates.

For those who are married, this must not be overlooked. Not all scholarship providers allow you to bring family members (spouse and children) with you. The majority is yes, but you need to ensure whether additional funds for family members are available or not. If not, this means you have to be prepared to fund them yourself. Even if they do provide additional funds for family members, there are always cost to be funded using your own money.

This is because the scholarship, usually, will only fund basic needs such living expenses, health insurance, health clearance before departure and visa. Other than these such as cost of transportation - international or domestic - are usually not covered and so funds for these have to be prepared.

More need to think if your spouse is working, especially if it is in a government institution or department. Will she be allowed to go with you or not? If, how are you going to overcome this. A discusion with spouse is needed here.

If you are currently working, you need to check if your employer support you for a further study or not. If yes, it will allow you to go and may provide you with financial supports as well. Generally, government bodies support for human resource development of their employees and so this is not usually a problem for public servants. This is not the case for private enterprises, so many candidates working in these commercial bodies have had to maka a tough decision.

Health status is another consideration for successfully obtaining a scholarship. Some people are fail or at least postponed to start their study because of health problems. So, if you intend to apply for a scholarship, keep practicing those healthy habits. Most scholarship providers will provide a health insurance to their awardees, but you need to make sure about what all this insurance covers. Does it cover dental and eyes-related health problems? If it not, then it is cheaper for example going to a dental practitioner or buying glasses here than there.

Driving license
It is advantageous to have a car there, not only to support your daily academic activities but also for your leisures. This is especially true if you are going there with your family members. But to do this, you need to have a valid license. Check with the scholarship or with experienced people whether a foreign license can be used in the intended country or not. This include different policies from one state to another. If students are allowed to use a foreign license, get one here or revalidate your old one. Obtaining a driving license there is expensive and time demanding.

So, these are things that you may prepare or consider before applying a scholarship. Remember that a good preparation equals to halfway through the whole process. Be prepared and win the scholarship!

author: Damry, University of Tadulako, Indonesia

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Tips berburu dan memenangkan beasiswa ADB

Banyak orang mengatakan, baik melalui millist maupun forum-forum di internet bahwa memenangkan beasiswa ADB sangat susah. Memang demikian. Orang bijak mengatakan bahwa didunia ini memang serba susah, alias tidak ada yang mudah, tetapi tidak ada yang tidak mungkin.

"Anything is possible ... "

kata dalam iklan merk minuman produk amerika yang cukup terkenal itu. Ya .. anything is possible, semua serba mungkin. Sulit atau susah, sebenarnya relatif, tergantung bagaimana cara pandang kita.

Kembali ke masalah beasiswa ADB. Mungkin memang sulit memenangkannya, akan tetapi dengan persiapan dan metode yang efektif, bukan tidak mungkin, sangat mudah untuk memperoleh beasiswa ini, terutama bagi mereka yang ingin melanjutkan sekolah di luar negeri, baik untuk Master program maupun Ph.D program.

Langkah pertama

Langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah persiapan mental. Dalam hal ini adalah keseriusan, kesungguhan, konsistensi dan pantang menyerah. Penyakit akut terbesar penyebab gagalnya perjuangan adalah lemahnya mental. Sebelum mentalnya kuat, sebaiknya jangan coba-coba, atau lebih baik mundur dari perburuan beasiswa, ini saran saya loh ...,
kenapa ...?,
gak akan ada untungnya ...,
gak akan ada artinya ...,
Habis waktu, tenaga, waktu, biaya, belum lagi pikiran, emosi, waktu luang, ....
cape dehhhh .......

Memang sih, mendingan dicoba, walau gak serius, nanti kan bisa dijadikan pengalaman. Memang betul, kegagalan adalah kunci keberhasilan, tapi itu untuk "kegagalan dalam kesungguhan berjuang", bukan gagal dalan "keisengan" dan coba-coba. Lulus syukur, gagal biarin.

Tolong bedakan, "coba-coba" dan "kesungguhan". Bagaimana kita akan tahu letak kesalahan kalau tidak sungguh-sungguh mengerjakannya. Sebagaimana saat kita ujian tulis (UAS atau UTS), jika tidak ada kesungguhan, berapa ratus kali pun UTS/UAS di ulang, hasilnya gak akan ada bedanya. Nol besar.

Jadi persiapkan mental. Mantapkan, dan pastikan, program studi apa yang akan menjadi sasaran. Ekonomi, Science, Sosial, Sastra, dll. Pilihan kampus mana dan negara mana, lebih baik di-nomor-dua-kan dulu.

Berangkat dari titik acuan

Selanjutnya adalah start perburuan. Kita pastikan awal keberangkatan. Untuk beasiswa ADB, mulailah dari situs resmi adb http://www.adb org. Dari sini gali semua informasi mengenai ADB. Saya akan arahkan lebih khusus lagi, yaitu ke Japan Scholarship Program dibawah ADB. Situsnya adalah Pada situs ADB-JSP, hampir semua informasi yang dibutuhkan sudah tersedia.

Mulai dari prosedur pengajuan, batas waktu pengajuan, hal apa saja yang harus dipersiapkan, dan sebagainya. Jika bingung, klik bagian Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ), atau jika tidak ditemukan disana, kontak sekretariat adb pada kolom "contact". Berdasarkan pengalaman, respon mereka cukup baik. Saya selalu menerima reply kurang dari 24 jam atas pertanyaan yang diajukan.

Perburuan dimulai

Pada situs adb-jsp, terdapat kolom yang menjelaskan institusi/kampus yang bekerja sama dengan ADB. Artinya, jika dipilih kampus-kampus tersebut, maka ada peluang untuk mendapatkan beasiswa ADB. Berdasarkan pilihan program studi yang dijadikan sasaran, maka sebaiknya pilih disini. Nama kampus dan negara tujuan. Apabila tidak sesuai dengan keinginan, maka anda harus mencari jenis beasiswa lain selain ADB, Karena ADB hanya meng-cover kampus-kampus tersebut saja. Pilih salah satu kampus di negara tertentu dimana tersedia program studi yang kita maksud. Kontak pihak admission yang bersangkutan dan download semua form yang dibutuhkan.

Atur strategi untuk menang

Sulitkah ujian untuk memenangkan beasiswa ADB dengan saingan ribuan orang ? sebagaimana saya ungkap sebelumnya bahwa kesulitan adalah relatif, tergantung sudut pandang yang kita gunakan. Mungkin anda akan terkejut apabila saya sampaikan bahwa form dari ADB tak lebih hanya lembar dengan kotak checklist, apakah kita memenuhi persyaratan atau tidak. Saya akan uraikan salah satu contoh persyaratan yang ditawarkan ADB untuk perolehan beasiswa. Tiap tahun mungkin saja konten nya berubah.

Syarat memperoleh beasiswa ADB :

  1. [ ] Anda harus warga negara anggota ADB

  2. [ ] Anda tinggal di negara berkembang

  3. [ ] Berusia kurang dari 35 tahun

  4. [ ] Mampu berbahasa inggris dengan baik (tidak ada syarat toefl, ielts, dll)

  5. [ ] Telah bekerja sebagai karyawan tetap minimal selama 2 tahun

  6. [ ] Direkomendasikan oleh atasan dari institusi tampat bekerja

  7. [ ] Diprioritaskan memiliki tingkat penghasilan per tahun yang rendah

  8. [ ] Bersedia kembali ke negara asal segera setelah selesai pendidikan

  9. [ ] ... dan lain-lain

Ini hanyalah sekedar contoh, dan biasanya, form seperti ini sudah disediakan kampus-kampus yang bekerjasama dengan adb. Tiap kampus mungkin saja mempunyai persyaratan tambahan yang berbeda, tetapi syarat umum kurang lebih demikian. Syarat tambahan hanya merupakan pelengkap dari syarat umum. Jadi, tidak ada tes, ujian dan lain-lain. Hanya isi checklist formulir saja.

Disarankan untuk mengisinya secara jujur. Anda juga akan ditanyakan berapa besaran gaji pertahun yang diterima (dalam US$). Strategi mencapai kemenangan dengan berdusta saat pengisian form hanya akan merugikan diri sendiri dan dimasukkan kedalam daftar hitam (black list) dan catatan hitam anda akan muncul selamanya.

Jadi bagaimana strategi untuk menang ? strategi nya adalah tidak lain anda harus bisa diterima dikampus tujuan. Satu hal yang pasti adalah bahwa Tes uji untuk memenangkan beasiswa ADB adalah tes untuk bisa diterima dikampus yang kita tuju. Apabila kita bisa diterima dikampus tujuan, maka bisa dikatakan hampir 95%, pengajuan beasiswa kita akan disetujui ADB. Kegagalan pada tahap ini, bisa dipastikan karena kegagalan kurang lengkapnya atau kurai sesuai dalam syarat administrasi.

Tinggal masalahnya adalah bagaimana caranya agar kita bisa memperoleh ijin masuk kampus atau diterima sebagai mahasiswa dikampus tersebut, dan ini sangat tergantung pada syarat apa yang diminta oleh kampus tersebut, dan ini dapat dipastikan, tiap kampus akan memiliki persyaratan yang berbeda, tergantung kebutuhan.

Kembali kepada mental. Terus berjuang pantang mundur, belum tentu kita lebih buruk dari orang lain yang mejadi saingan kita, dan belum tentu juga orang lain lebih baik dari kita. Jangan takut gagal, karena kegagalan hanyalah sebuah awal dari keberhasilan. Jangan takut kekurangan uang dalam berjuang, karena apabila kita sungguh-sungguh, maka Allah adalah Maha Tahu dan rizki akan datang dari jalan yang tidak disangka-sangka.

Jangan takut kurang tidur karena kita begadang terus tiap malam demi mempersiapkan bahan tesis untuk ditawarkan keada para professor agar bersedia menjadi advisor kita, yakinlah bahwa, setelah tecapai cita-cita nanti, tidur kita akan lebih baik dan lebih nyenyak dari sekarang. Jangan lupa Do’a. Kerja luar biasa hanya akan bisa membuahkan hasil apabila diiringi dengan do’a yang juga luar biasa.

Selamat berjuang, semoga berhasil dan tercapai kemenangan. Salam sukses.

Artikel ini diambil ditulis oleh Erwin.

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Recommendation Letters: Choosing Referees

Nearly all applications to graduate school require at least 3 letters from individuals who can discuss your competencies in a coherent way and recommend that you be admitted to graduate school. Many students find that it is mot difficult to select persons to approach for letters of recommendation. Others aren't sure of who to approach -- or if they have a potential recommender at all. Regardless of your situation, plan ahead.

Who will you approach? Who will you consider? Remember the main criteron of the letter of recommendtion: It must provide a comprehensive and positive evaluation of your abilities and aptitude. It should not be surprising that letters from professors are highly valued by admissions committees. However, the best letters are written by faculty who know you, from whom you have taken muliple classes and/or have completed substantial projects and/or have recieved very positive evaluations.
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Professors provide insight into your academic competencies and aptitude as well as personality characteristics that may contribute to your potential to succeed in graduate school, such as motivation, conscientiousness, and timeliness.

Some students include a letter from an employer. Letters from employers are useful if you are working in a field that is related to that which you intend to study. However, even a letter from an employer in an unrelated field can be useful to your application if he or she discusses skills and competencies that will contribute to your success in graduate school, such as the abilty to read and integrate information in order to draw conclusions, lead others, or carry out complex tasks in a timely and competent fashion. Essentially it's all about spin -- spinning the material so that it matches what committees are looking for.

An effective recommendation letter is writtn by someone who meets some of the following criteria:

  • Is aware of your field of interest and the schools you are applying to.

  • Is able to evaluate your performance in your field of interest.

  • Is able to discuss your personal characteristics

  • Is able to discuss your capacity to work with others

  • Can discuss your leadership skills[/li

  • Can evaluate your level of professionalism (e.g., punctuality, efficiency, assertivness)

  • Can discuss your academic skills -- not simply experience, but evaluate your potential to succeed in graduate-level study

  • Evaluates you positively relative to others

  • Has some recognition and whose judgment is highly valued within the field.

  • Is able to write a good reference letter (i.e., is literate).

Many students become nervous when they see this list. Remember that no one no one person will meet all of these criteria, so don't fret or feel bad. Instead, consider all of the people who you might approach and attempt to compose a balanced panel of reviewers. Seek individuals who will collectively fulfill as many of the above criteria as possible.

The biggest mistake most students make in the recommendation letter-phase of the graduate school application is to not think about who to approach and simply settle for whoever is available. This is not the time to settle, choose the easiest path, or be impulsive. Take the time and make the effort to consider all of the possiblities -- each professor you have had and all persons you have come into contact with (e.g., employers, internship supervisors, supervisors from settings in which you have volunteered). Don't rule any one out at first, just make a long list. After you have created an exhausted list, rule out those who you know will not give you a positive recommendation. The next step is to determine how many criteria those remaining on your list might fulfill. And move on from there to begin approaching potential referees.

From Tara Kuther, Ph.D.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

[Indonesia] Panduan Studi di Inggris

e-Book ini berisi panduan belajar di Amerika dan Kanada yang disusun oleh Direktur Pembinaan Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan
dan Ketenagaan Perguruan Tinggi Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Disajikan dalam bentuk PDF sehingga dapat Anda baca secara offline.

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[Indonesia] Panduan Studi di Perancis

e-Book ini berisi panduan belajar di Amerika dan Kanada yang disusun oleh Direktur Pembinaan Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan
dan Ketenagaan Perguruan Tinggi Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Disajikan dalam bentuk PDF sehingga dapat Anda baca secara offline.

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[Indonesia] Panduan Studi di Amerika dan Kanada

e-Book ini berisi panduan belajar di Amerika dan Kanada yang disusun oleh Direktur Pembinaan Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan
dan Ketenagaan Perguruan Tinggi Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Disajikan dalam bentuk PDF sehingga dapat Anda baca secara offline.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

[Indonesia] Panduan Studi di Jepang

e-Book ini berisi panduan belajar di Jepang yang disusun oleh Direktur Pembinaan Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan
dan Ketenagaan Perguruan Tinggi Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Disajikan dalam bentuk PDF sehingga dapat Anda baca secara offline.

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[Indonesia] Panduan Studi di Australia dan New Zealand

e-Book ini berisi panduan belajar di Australia dan New Zealand yang disusun oleh Direktur Pembinaan Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan
dan Ketenagaan Perguruan Tinggi Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Disajikan dalam bentuk PDF sehingga dapat Anda baca secara offline.

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[Indonesia] Panduan Studi di Jerman

e-Book ini berisi panduan belajar di Jerman yang disusun oleh Direktur Pembinaan Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan
dan Ketenagaan Perguruan Tinggi Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Disajikan dalam bentuk PDF sehingga dapat Anda baca secara offline.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

[Norway] PhD Programme / Research Schoalrship Position in Finance at Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration

Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (Norway)

PhD scholarships are available in Finance at NHH. The Department of Finance and Management Science has a large, research-active group that offers a stimulating environment for doctoral studies and research within this discipline.

As part of the PhD Programme, students are obliged to work part-time (25%) as Research Scholars during their studies, providing teaching and/or research assistance to the Department.

Applicants are to have completed, or almost completed, a minimum of a Master`s degree (5 years` duration) in a quantitative field such as Economics, Business Administration, Mathematics, Statistics, or the physical sciences.

(Applicants lacking a degree in Economics or Business Administration, are recommended to undertake some coursework at the University level).

A good working knowledge of English is also required, as the entire PhD programme is taught in English.

More information about the PhD program in Finance can be found at

The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration is a first-rate European business school with an excellent research tradition, located in beautiful surroundings just outside downtown Bergen. The School has 130 full-time faculty staff and a population of highly talented students. More information about the school is available at : http// , and about Bergen at .

Further information about admissions requirements can be found at . Enquiries regarding admission requirements, PhD Research Scholarships, application procedures, and so on, may be directed to the PhD admission office at NHH: .

Application has to be received by 1. March 2008.

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[England] 2 PhD Scholarships and 2 Graduate Teaching Assistantships in Economics at University of Kent

2 PhD Scholarships and 2 Graduate Teaching Assistantships. Department of Economics, University of Kent (United Kingdom). The Department of Economics at the University of Kent (UK) invites applications for 2 (two) PhD Scholarships and 2 (two) Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTAs) for the academic year 2008-09.

These will cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate and a maintenance grant up to £6,000 per annum for the GTAs and £12,600 per annum for the Scholarships. Students are expected to teach up to 6 hours per week. The awards will be offered for one year in the first instance, renewable for a maximum of three years subject to satisfactory academic performance.

Awardees will be registered for the PhD program in Economics at the University of Kent. Applicants will be considered simultaneously for both awards. Only successful candidates will be contacted and informed which award they have been selected for.

We accept candidates in any area in Economics, but we encourage applicants to check faculty research interests at One of the Scholarships will be awarded to candidates with interests in the area of roeconomics/Monetary Economics and/or Financial Economics.

Candidates must hold a good Master`s degree at merit or distinction in Economics and/or equivalent subjects. Candidates will be ranked on the basis of academic merit and their research project. The studentship competition is open to all postgraduate research applicants. UK, EU and overseas fee paying students as well as full-time and part-time postgraduate research students are invited to apply.

Students must provide with their applications: a full CV, academic transcripts, two reference letters and a short research project. Students should also apply online for the PhD programme in Economics at:

The application deadline is 28 April 2008.

Decisions will be made within two weeks of the deadline. Applications should be sent (preferably by e-mail) to:
Camilla Hudson.
Department of Economics,
Keynes College,
University of Kent, Canterbury,
Kent CT2 7NP, UK.

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ASEAN Foundation Scholarships for Nationals of ASEAN Member Countries

The ASEAN Foundation (AF) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) have entered into another agreement to develop high quality human resources within ASEAN member countries through the offering of the AF-AIT Scholarships.

The ASEAN Foundation, an initiative of the Leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), was established on 15 December 1997 to help bring about shared prosperity and a sustainable future for the peoples of all ASEAN countries that now include Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. It has been mandated to promote greater awareness of ASEAN and greater interaction among its peoples and their increased participation in ASEAN activities as well as to undertake development cooperation activities that enhance mutual assistance, address equitable economic development and reduce poverty. This scholarship programme is part of the ASEAN Foundation Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies and funded through the Japan-ASEAN Solidarity Fund.

The Asian Institute of Technology, on the other hand, is an international post graduate institute founded in 1959, and is Asia's pioneer institution established to help meet the region's growing needs for advanced learning in engineering, science, technology and management, research and capacity building. AIT's mission is to develop highly qualified and committed professionals who will play a leading role in the sustainable development of the region and its integration into the global economy. AIT is based in Thailand and has affiliated centers in other parts of the world. Ten (10) full scholarships are available for ASEAN nationals who wish to pursue masters degree in AIT. The scholarship award will cover tuition and other academic fees, and living allowances for a 2-year programme.

Four (4) scholarship slots will be awarded under the project "Capacity building for Gender, Poverty and Mobility Analysis of Road Transportation Development in GMS Region". The remaining six (6) scholarships will be allocated for the various fields of study identified by ASEAN Foundation as indicated below.--


To qualify, applicants must:

* Be a bonafide ASEAN national;
* Hold a bachelors degree (normally from a four-year program) or its equivalent in an appropriate field;
* Have above average undergraduate grades (minimum CGPA of 2.75); and,
* Satisfy other requirements as specified by the school you apply to.
* AIT is an international institute with English as the sole language of instruction. Admission to AIT requires proof of English language proficiency which may be satisfied in any of the following: Submission of an official test score from any of the following standardized English exams: TOEFL, IELTS, CU-TEP ( Thailand ), ARC (Lao PDR).
* Agree to return and/or serve for at least 2 years in any ASEAN countries after completion of their studies.


The scholarship can be taken in the following field of studies:

School of Environment , Resources and Development (SERD)

* Agricultural Systems and Engineering
* Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management
* Energy
* Environmental Engineering and Management
* Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology
* Gender and Development Studies
* Natural Resources Management
* Pulp and Paper Technology
* Regional and Rural Development Planning
* Urban Environmental Management

Interdisciplinary Programs

* Cleaner Production
* Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management
* Integrated Watershed Development and Management
* Modelling Tools in Environmental Resources and Management
* Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Management
* Agribusiness Management

School of Engineering and Technology (SET)

* Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management (CEIM)
* Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (GTE)
* Structural Engineering (STE)
* Transportation Engineering (TRE)
* Water Engineering and Management (WEM)

Interdisciplinary Programs

* Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)


All interested applicants must complete the following two sets of applications and submit them to the Admissions Office of AIT.

* AIT application form (
* ASEAN Foundation Scholarship for Graduate Studies application form (downloaded)

For the January 2008 intake, application should be made on or before 21 December 2007.
Deadline for August intake is on 31 March 2008.
For January 2009 intake, application should be made on or before 31 October 2008.

For more information, please contact:

Postal Address:
Admissions and Scholarships Unit
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4 , Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120 , THAILAND

Street Address:
Admissions and Scholarships Unit
Asian Institute of Technology
50 Moo 9, Km. 42, Paholyothin Road
Pathumthani 12120 , THAILAND

Phone: (662) 5245031-5033
Fax: (662) 524-6326

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[Ireland] PhD Scholarship in Applied Microeconomics at Trinity College Dublin

University of Dublin, Trinity College PhD Position in Applied Microeconomics Department of Economics

Job description
This project analyses the impact of recent policy changes on various aspects relating to the agri-food sectors in Ireland and other EU countries focussing in particular on Denmark and the Netherlands. Using the Irish National Farm Survey a micro approach is taken that allows specific research questions relating to:

1. productivity and competitiveness
2. the changing structure of production systems in terms of farm numbers, the role of economies of scale, specialisation and system switching
3. the wider rural community to be addressed. The availability of a comparable survey for Denmark and the Netherlands presents a unique opportunity for the Irish experience to be compared to that of similar regions of Europe facing the same set of constraints but with significantly different sectors in terms of structure, organisation and the role of government supports. This study will provide valuable lessons for policy by deepening our understanding of the important issues facing the agri-food sector in Ireland at the micro level and observing how the Irish experience compares to that of similar European regions. The project will also explore alternative uses for land post-decupling focussing in particular on opportunities in relation to organic farming and alternative energy sources drawing on the successes of the Danish experience.

The PhD student will be based at the Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin. The student will spend some time at the University of Kent in the UK and at the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands working with leading economists on farm survey data and project related modelling issues.

* MSc degree or equivalent in Economics
* An interest in applied microeconomics in particular agricultural or environmental economics
* Excellent quantitative skills (i.e. econometric modelling).

Conditions of employment
Stipend: €16,000 p.a. plus tuition fees
Duration of the contract: 3 years beginning April 1st, 2008

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Dr. Carol Newman
Phone: +353 1 896 3709

Interested candidates should either post or email their CVs before March 1st to :
Dr. Carol Newman,
Department of Economics,
Trinity College Dublin,
College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland.

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[England] Fee Waiver Scholarships at University of Huddersfield

University of Huddersfield
Fee-waiver Scholarships Department of Chemical & Biological Sciences

As part of a major expansion in research activity the University of Huddersfield has announced the availability of 125 fee-waiver scholarships for uptake in 2008-2009, with a further 125 to be made available in the next year. In each year, 75 of the scholarships will waive 100% of tuition fees and 50 scholarships will waive 50% of tuition fees.

Many of these scholarships are available in the Department of Chemical & Biological Sciences. A list of research projects leading to PhD or MPhil in Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nutrition can be found at under PhD opportunities.

On the same site you might look at Departmental staff research interests, through which other projects may be designed. Please contact relevant staff if you require more information on particular projects/areas, or Professor D R Brown, Director of Graduate Education in the School of Applied Sciences at

The scholarships are open to technically excellent UK, EU or international full-time students who do not already have funding.

Applicants must be able to fund their living costs.
To apply please go to:

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[Netherland] Master Scholarship at The Henk Bodt ASML-TU/e

The Henk Bodt ASML-TU/e Scholarship Fund was launched in 2007 to commemorate the retirement of Henk Bodt, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ASML – a world-renowned pioneer in semiconductor technology situated in Eindhoven.

The scholarship is open to prospective international Master`s students.
It is aimed at talented students who wish to study for their Master`s of science degree at Eindhoven University of Technology and gain three-year invaluable work experience at ASML. More information on ASML can be found on and ASML brochure.


Eligible students who apply for the following TU/e master`s programs will take part in the selection procedure for this scholarship:
* Applied Physics
* Business Information Systems
* Computer Science & Engineering
* Electrical Engineering
* Embedded Systems
* Industrial and Applied Mathematics
* Mechanical Engineering
* Systems and Control

Eligible countries:
All countries (outside the Netherlands).

Costs covered:
This is a full cost scholarship covering tuition fees and living expenses.

How many scholarships are available?
There are 40 scholarships each academic year offered to students who have been admitted to one of the eligible TU/e Master`s programs.
For more detail information about this program please visit

Before 1 March 2008

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[England] 4 Scholarships & Award at University of Liverpool

The Duncan Norman Research Scholarship at the University of Liverpool was established in 2004 following the receipt of a generous donation from The Duncan Norman Charitable Trust in memory of the late Mr Duncan Norman.

The objective of the Scholarship is to enable academically gifted students who also have the personal qualities to make them leaders in society, to pursue MPhil/PhD study at the University of Liverpool. The Scholarship may be used to fund research in any University department.

The University has established an Advisory Panel of internationally renowned persons to oversee the award of the Scholarship. The Scholarship is available to all prospective full-time postgraduate research students, irrespective of nationality or tuition fee status (i.e. whether UK, EU or overseas).

To be eligible for consideration, prospective students must have had their application for MPhil/PhD research approved by the University by the application deadline.

Deadline : Monday 31 March 2008, 5pm

The University of Liverpool International Scholarships - Undergraduate
Unlimited scholarships offering 25% fee reduction for students achieving AAB in A level examinations or the international equivalent. To be eligible, you must have an offer for a full-time, non-clinical, undergraduate programme and be classified as an international student. You do need to make an application for this scholarship and, in addition, you will need to choose Liverpool as your firm choice through UCAS (accepted our offer as your first choice). The scholarship will be tenable for the duration of the programme of study, subject to good academic progress (normally min 60% average each year).

Deadline: 2 May 2008 and 4 July 2008

The University of Liverpool International Scholarships - Postgraduate
Up to thirty scholarships offering 25% fee reduction are available for international students applying for full-time, non-clinical, postgraduate taught masters courses. These scholarships will be awarded primarily on the basis of academic merit and will be tenable for the duration of the programme of study, subject to good academic progress.

Deadline: 2 May or 4 July 2008

International Baccalaureate Award
Unlimited scholarships offering a 25% fee reduction for students achieving 36 points. To be eligible, you must have an offer for a full-time, non-clinical, undergraduate programme and be classified as an international student.

You should be registered at an IB School and taking the full IB Diploma. You do need to make an application for this scholarship and, in addition, you will need to choose Liverpool as your firm choice through UCAS (accepted our offer as your first choice). The scholarship will be tenable for the duration of the programme of study, subject to good academic progress (normally min 60% average each year)

Deadline: 2 May 2008

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[Norway] PhD Scholarship in Finance at BI, The Norwegian School of Management

The Department of Financial Economics BI, The Norwegian School of Management Oslo, Norway

1. Financial Assistance
The Department of Financial Economics has available a number of PhD stipends starting in September 2008. The stipends are for a four year period and offer NOK315,000 per annum (approx. US$55,000) and also cover tuition fees. Each stipend contains a 35 hour per year teaching duty which usually consists of teaching assistant work. Academically excellent students should have a MSc in Finance or closely related subject.

2. Program Structure
The PhD in Finance is taught entirely in English and is structured such that the first year of study covers course work and exams (60 ECTS credits). The Department of Financial Economics plans to offer the following courses in the 2008/2009 academic year: Asset Pricing Theory, Empirical Asset Pricing, Corporate Finance Theory, Market Microstructure, and Advanced Topics in Finance.

In addition, we are a member of the Nordic Finance Network (NFN) ( which coordinates schools in the Nordic area offering PhD courses in finance. Through the network it is possible to visit other schools for a short period in order to undertake courses. We also actively encourage students to take longer periods of study at top class institutions around the world.

3. About the Department of Financial Economics
The Department of Financial Economics is committed to excellence in research. Currently we have thirteen faculty members in research positions. Faculty members have published in, amongst others, the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Business, and the Journal of Political Economy. A detailed list of publications along with links to faculty homepages can be found at:
Based in publications the department ranks as one of the top finance departments in Europe.

4. Application Procedure
Application forms are available at Applicant are required to submit the following: completed application form, description of planned research work, CV, copies of letters of reference, copies of awarded degrees along with grades. Admission to the program is determined after consideration of each candidate`s qualifications.

Applications must be submitted by the 28th of March 2008 and emailed directly to:
Professor Richard Priestley
Department of Financial Economics
Norwegian School of Management
Nydalseveien 37 N 0484 Oslo Norway
Email: richard.priestley@bi
Phone: +47 46410515

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Monday, January 21, 2008

[Australian] Australian Federation of University Women - South Australia Inc Trust Fund

Bursaries offered in 2008 to women of any nationality, currently enrolled in an Australian university.

The Jean Gilmore, Thenie Baddams and Daphne Elliott Bursaries assists with research towards a PhD or Masters by Research.

The Heather Latz Bursary assists study in postgraduate degrees by coursework.

Centre for Aboriginal Studies
Curtin Business School
Curtin Sarawak
Division of Health Sciences
Division of Humanities
Division of Science and Engineering

Area of Interest:
Accounting, Mathematical and Financial Analysis
Animal-Plant Interaction
Australian Indigenous Studies
Biomedical Sciences
Built & Natural Environment
Business Law and Corporate Administration
Chemical Engineering
Computing / Electronic
Design for Garment Innovation
Earth & Physical Sciences
Education and Training
Environmental Science
Garment Design and Innovation
Geographic Information Science
Habitat Restoration
Health and Life Sciences
Health, ageing and well-being
Human Development
Human Rights
Indigenous Health
Industrial Organisation
International Health
Media / Communication
Mental Health
People, Society, Language & Culture
Physical Sciences
Social Work & Social Policy
Speech Pathology
Sport and Lifestyle
Sustainable Tourism
Textile & Design
Visual Arts / Design

Applicable to: Current Students

Gender: Female

Australian Citizen
Australian Permanent Resident
New Zealand Citizen
Other Nationalities

Year of Study: Postgraduate

Type: Research & Coursework

Opening Date: 21 September, 2007
Closing Date: 3 March, 2008

The Jean Gilmore, Thenie Baddams and Daphne Elliott Bursaries - up to $6,000 each.
The Heather Latz Bursary - up to $4,000 each.

Tenable at: Any Australian university.

The Jean Gilmore, Thenie Baddams and Daphne Elliott Bursaries
Open to women who:
* with a good Honours degree or equivalent
* have completed one year of postgraduate research
* A$12 lodgement fee

Further Information: AFUW-SA Inc Trust Fund

The Heather Latz Bursary
Open to women who:
* good academic record
* Masters by coursework or Doctorate (major component is coursework)

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[Germany] PhD Scholarship in Spatial Cognition at University of Bremen

Postgraduate Position: Junior Researcher & Teaching Assistant SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition, Universität Bremen Project R1-[ImageSpace] - Mental Representations of Spatial Environments - Under the condition of job release / reference number: A 172/07

Project Description:

Mental reasoning about spatial environments often involves specific and task-sensitive spatio-analogical or quasi-pictorial mental representations. Mental processes dynamically construct and explore these representations to obtain desired spatial information and they do so with restricted working memory capacities. One goal of the project R1-[ImageSpace] is to build a cognitive architecture which comprises the components and processes necessary to accurately model human spatial cognition.

A second focus is on how to best employ such architectures in applications that assist humans in spatial cognition tasks (e.g., in architectural design and spatial planning). Eye tracking and other behavioral methods are used to clarify the theoretical basis of the modeling (such as the role of visual attention in mental spatial reasoning). In addition, eye tracking methods are employed in the developed application systems. More information on the project can be found at


Successful applicants will have expertise in computer science / artificial intelligence and cognitive science and will hold an excellent master or diploma degree in computer science, cognitive science, or a related field. They will be committed to interdisciplinary, team-based research and be fluent in spoken and written English. Ideally, an applicant will also have good knowledge of / expertise in more than one of the following areas: mental representations and processes in human spatial cognition and visual perception; visual attention; eye movement tracking; qualitative spatial reasoning; architectural design / design studies; human problem solving; human-computer interaction; user interface design. Additional training will be provided on the job.

Work profile:
1. Applying cognitive models to spatial reasoning assistance scenarios
2. Contributing to conceptual and computational modeling of mental and diagrammatic reasoning about space
3. Managing a visual perception & diagrammatic reasoning lab, including eye tracking facilities
4. Teaching assistance for undergraduate and graduate courses
5. Preparing manuscripts for publication in international journals / at conferences

The successful applicant is expected to work on obtaining a doctoral degree in the scope of this position.

Conditions of Employment:
Salary is according to the German Federal pay scale (TV-L 13). The position is available from April 2008 until the end of 2010. Extension is possible.

Application deadline: 1 February 2008 (or until a suitable candidate is found). As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female employees in science women are particularly encouraged to apply.

In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification disabled persons will be given priority. Please address questions about the position and send your application under the reference number (preferably by email) to:
Sven Bertel
E-mail :
SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition
Universität Bremen
P.O. Box 330 440 28334 Bremen / Germany

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tawaran Beasiswa National Central University, Taiwan

National Central University (Taiwan) will visit University of Indonesia on January 24th (next Thursday).

Prof. Benjamin Fong Chao, Dean and Professor of College of Earth Science will lead Sheng Jo-Pan (Professor of Civil Engineering), Lin Fa Cheng (Professor of Electrical Engineering), Emma (Assistant of International Affairs Division), Hadi Kuntjara (PHD student) for this visit.

We'd already asked the permission from University of Indonesia to invite students, alumni or staffs of ITB university who are interested in studying in Taiwan to join our interview at University of Indonesia.

For the qualified students, we wish to reserve scholarship and admission for them. As for NCU scholarships, a PhD student could get up to NT25,000/per month, Master: up to NT15,000/per month.

And the required documents for the interview:
1. A copy of the student's highest diploma
2. A copy of transcript
3. Additional relevant documents (research proposal, English or Chinese proficiency certificate, thesis, publication and etc.)

Note: If students don't have these documents, they are still welcome to join us and submit the document at least April 20th.

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[Singapore] Technologies Engineering Scholarships

RSIS invites applications for the Singapore Technologies Engineering Scholarships. The Singapore Technologies Engineering Scholarship is open to Singaporeans, Singapore Permanent Residents and International candidates to pursue the full-time Masters programme at RSIS.

Applicants should have (a) an excellent academic record; and (b) a very good command of the English language.

Terms and Conditions

Each scholarship is tenable for one year only for full-time Master of Science (Strategic Studies), Master of Science (International Relations), Master of Science (International Political Economy) and Masters of Science (Asian Studies) programmes. Successful candidates are expected to complete their studies within the tenable period. There is no bond attached to the scholarships.

Each scholarship shall cover the following:

* A monthly stipend;
* A book allowance (one-time payment only);
* Thesis Allowance (one-time payment only at the end of the programme);
* A return air-ticket (economy class) from home country to Singapore (if applicable);
* Your tuition and other compulsory fees (as specified by NTU)

How to apply

(a) Apply for the Masters programme of choice online;
(b) Applications for the ST Engineering Scholarship open on 1st January and close on 31st March 08. Application form can be obtained from here.
(c) Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by the MSc Selection Committee.
d) Only successful applicants will be notified.

For enquiries, please contact the RSIS Graduate Programmes Office at

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The Google 2008 Anita Borg Scholarship

Dr. Anita Borg (1949 - 2003) devoted her adult life to revolutionizing the way we think about technology and dismantling barriers that keep women and minorities from entering computing and technology fields. Her combination of technical expertise and fearless vision continues to inspire and motivate countless women to become active participants and leaders in creating technology.

As part of Google's ongoing commitment to furthering Anita's vision, we are pleased to announce the 2008 Google Anita Borg Scholarship, through which we hope to encourage women to excel in computing and technology and become active role models and leaders.

Scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates' academic background and demonstrated leadership. A group of female undergraduate and graduate student finalists will be chosen from the applicant pool. The scholarship recipients will each receive a $10,000 scholarship for the 2008-2009 academic year. Remaining finalists will receive $1,000 each.

All scholarship recipients and finalists will be invited to visit Google headquarters in Mountain View, California on April 3-5, 2008 for a networking retreat which will include workshops with a series of speakers, panelists, breakout sessions and social activities.

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[Indonesia] Beasiswa DIKTI untuk S2 dan S3

Nomor: 4097/D/T./2007; 14 Desember 2007

Kepada Yth
Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri /Koordinator Perguruan Tinggi Swasta/ Direktur Politeknik
Seluruh Indonesia

Merujuk surat kami Nomor : 707/D/T/2007, tanggal 26 Maret 2007, dan Nomor : 1357/D4.4/2007, tanggal 13 Juni 2007 tentang beasiswa untuk studi ke luar negeri, bersama ini kami sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut :

1. Pendaftaran untuk memperoleh beasiswa studi ke luar negeri masih dibuka untuk jenjang S2 dan S3. Pendaftar harus sudah diterima di sebuah perguruan tinggi yang terakreditasi di luar negeri. Peminat mengajukan permohonan atau dikirim oleh perguruan tinggi tempat bekerja dengan dilampiri :

a. Isian Form A Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi ;
b. Letter of Acceptance dari perguruan tinggi yang terakreditasi;
c. Foto copy ijazah S1 bagi pelamar jenjang S2 dan ijazah S1 dan S2 bagi pelamar jenjang S3.
d. Bukti kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (TOEFL/IELTS), Jerman, Perancis, Jepang atau bahasa lain, sesuai dengan negara tempat perguruan tinggi yang dituju (tidak lebih dari 2 tahun terakhir);
e. Khusus untuk pelamar jenjang S3, melampirkan rencana riset.

2. Pendaftar berasal dari dosen Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, dosen DPK, dosen tetap Perguruan Tinggi Swasta dan juga di luar ketiga kategori tersebut tetapi bersedia menjadi dosen di perguruan tinggi tertentu minimal untuk waktu (2n + 1), yang ditunjukkan dengan surat perjanjian antara yang bersangkutan dengan perguruan tinggi tertentu. Mereka ini selanjutnya disebut Calon Tenaga Akademis Baru (CTAB).

3. Mereka yang saat ini sedang studi di luar negeri atas biaya sendiri dan memenuhi syarat pada butir Nomor 2 atau yang sedang studi di luar negeri atas biaya dari Departemen Pendidikan Nasional dan beasiswa sudah habis sementara studinya belum selesai dapat melamar beasiswa ini, dengan melampirkan laporan perkembangan studi yang diketahui oleh supervisor/pembimbing

4. Mengingat banyak dosen yang memiliki potensi akademik sangat bagus, tetapi kemampuan berbahasa Inggris belum baik dan kesulitan mendapatkan perguruan tinggi tujuan studi, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi akan melaksanakan Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) dan bahasa Inggris untuk dosen PTN, DPK, dosen PTS dan CTAB. Mereka yang lulus TPA tetapi kemampuan berbahasa Inggrisnya masih kurang, akan diberikan kursus intensif Bahasa Inggris, sehingga dapat diterima di perguruan tinggi terakreditasi di luar negeri. Alokasi untuk pola ini tergantung sisa beasiswa setelah dikurangi mereka yang sudah diterima di perguruan tinggi di luar negeri, sebagaimana disebutkan pada butir 1. Dimohon Rektor/Ketua/Direktur menyiapkan calon yang akan mengikuti TPA dan tes Bahasa Inggris, yang direncanakan pada bulan Januari 2008. Jadwal dan tempat tes akan kami informasikan lebih lanjut.

5. Bagi dosen yang saat ini sedang menempuh jenjang S3 di Program Pascasarjana dalam negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi merencanakan untuk memberi kesempatan kepada mereka untuk mengikuti program sandwich di perguruan tinggi luar negeri, dengan kegiatan antara lain:

a. Mengikuti kuliah untuk matakuliah yang relevan dengan riset disertasinya;
b. Melakukan library research atau laboratory research untuk disertasinya;
c. Kegiatan lain yang mendukung penyelesaian studi dengan lebih cepat dan bermutu baik.

Untuk itu diperlukan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris atau bahasa yang digunakan di perguruan tinggi yang dituju. Jumlah alokasi dan persyaratan untuk program ini sedang dipersiapkan. Dimohon Rektor/Ketua/Direktur menyiapkan mahasiswa program S3 untuk mengikuti program tersebut. Informasi secara rinci akan kami sampaikan lebih lanjut.

6. Pendaftar beasiswa studi di luar negeri sebagaimana dijelaskan pada butir 1 s.d. 4 dapat kami terima paling lambat tanggal 30 Maret 2008, dikirim ke alamat :

Direktur Ketenagaan
Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Depdiknas
Gedung D Lt. 5 Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Jalan Pintu I - Senayan, Jakarta
Telp./Faks : ( 021 ) 57946092

Demikian atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Direktur Jenderal,


Fasli Jalal
NIP 131124234

Tembusan :
1. Menteri Pendidikan Nasional (Sebagiai laporan)
2. Direktur Ketenagaan Ditjen Dikti
3. Koordinator Kopertis Wilayah I s/d XII

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Friday, January 18, 2008

[Germany] 10 PHD Scholarship - Munich School of Economics

Doctoral positions starting October 2008

Munich Graduate School of Economics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (Germany)


Graduate Program Research Training Group ”Markets, Institutions, and the Scope of Government”

Department of Economics

The Munich Graduate School of Economics (MGSE) offers a distinguished three-year Ph.D. program in Economics to outstanding young graduates. We offer:


The program provides advanced training for in-depth research into global market integration, its consequences for institutional change, and its impact on the role of governments in the organization of economic activity. These themes are widely conceived and allow for applications in any field of economics. We offer a wide range of Ph.D. courses, all taught in English. The German Research Foundation (DFG) supports excellent doctoral students with a three-year scholarship in our Research Training Group.


Applications for doctoral scholarships are welcome from graduates who hold a Master's degree or a German university Diploma in economics or a closely related field, passed with distinction. Candidates with a degree in statistics, mathematics or physics are also encouraged to apply. Graduates need to prove a strong quantitative background as well as interest and ability to conduct independent research.


For further details on the research and teaching program, its participating faculty and the application procedure, please consult our website

Please note that we select our students on a strictly competitive basis.

Application deadline is 15 April 2008.

Munich Graduate School of Economics
Ms. Gabriella Szantone Sturm
MAIL TO: mgse @

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[Indonesia] Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation

Tanoto Foundation, yayasan yang memiliki kepedulian pada pengembangan sumber daya manusia Indonesia melalui bidang pendidikan, mengundang Mahasiswa S1 dan S2 yang berprestasi untuk bergabung dalam program beasiswa S1 dan S2. Program beasiswa diselenggarakan berlandaskan prisip-prinsip kecakapan masing-masing pelamar tanpa memandang suku, agama, ras, jender serta menjunjung tinggi kebijakan non-diskriminatif.

Program Tahun Akademik 2008/2009
Saat ini Tanoto Foundation menyediakan beasiswa kepada 300 mahasiswa S1 dan 50 Mahasiswa S2, berasal dari berbagai disiplin ilmu dari enam perguruan tinggi mitra Tanoto Foundation, Keenam Perguruan TInggi mitra Tanoto Foundation adalah:

1. Universitas Indonesia
2. Universitas Gadjah Mada
3. Institut Teknologi Bandung
4. Universitas Sumatera Utara
5. Universitas Riau
6. Institut Pertanian Bogor

Cara memperoleh Formulir Pendaftaran:
Dapat diperoleh melalui website kami di

Pengisian Formulir Pendaftaran:
Formulir pendaftaran agar diisi sejelas-jelasnya dan disertai dokumen-dokumen pendukung selengkap-lengkapnya (daftar dokumen yang diperlukan terdapat pada formulir pendaftaran).

Pengembalian Formulir Pendaftaran (dua cara):

1. Melalui Kantor Wakil Rektor bidang Kemahasiwaan dan Alumni masing-masing Perguruan Tinggi, paling lambat tgl 31 Januari 2008
2. Langsung dikirimkan ke Tanoto Foundation dengan mencantumkan tulisan “BEASISWA” pada bagian kiri atas amplop paling lambat tgl. 31 Januari 2008 (Cap Pos), ke PO.BOX. 2117 JKP 10021

Pengumuman nama-nama penerima beasiswa akan dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2008 melalui Kantor Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni dari masing-masing Perguruan Tinggi.


I. Program Sarjana Strata Satu

1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi mitra Tanoto Foundation
3. Usia Maksimum 21 tahun pada bulan Juli 2008
4. Minimum IPK terakhir = 3.00 (skala 4.00)
5. Bagi mereka yang baru duduk ditahun pertama perguruan tinggi, minimum nilai rata-rata rapor kelas 3 SMU = 8.0 (skala 10)
6. Membutuhkan dukungan financial
7. Berjiwa kepemimpinan dan memiliki kepedulian serta komitmen untuk ikut memajukan bangsa Indonesia
8. Sedang tidak menerima beasiswa dari institusi lain

II. Program Sarjana Strata Dua

1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Terdapat sebagai mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi mitra Tanoto Founation
3. Usia Maksimum 40 tahun pada bulan Juli 2008
4. Mempunyai pengalaman kerrja minimum selama 2 tahun, setelah menyelesaikan program S1
5. Minimum IPK = 3.25 (skala 4,00)
6. Berjiwa kepemimpinan dan memiliki kepedulian serta komitmen untuk ikut memajukan bangsa Indonesia
7. Sedang tidak menerima beasiswa dari institusi lain

Keterangan Lengkap :
Tanoto Foundation
Email: info @
Dateline: 31st January 2008

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[Spain] - Scholarships for the Graduate Program in Economics and Finance

CEMFI, Madrid (Spain)

The basic graduate offering at CEMFI consists of its Master in Economics and Finance and its PhD program in Economics. Unlike many Master programs in the US and elsewhere, ours is self-contained and offers a well respected qualification.

CEMFI grants a subset of its Master students exemptions from the tuition fee and/or scholarships for living expenses amounting up to EUR 10,000 per year. They are granted according to academic merit. Also, the Fundación Carolina, in cooperation with the Fundación BBVA, has endowed four scholarships for Latin American students of the Master. These scholarships amount to 1,200 euros per month for housing and subsistence, over 19 months, plus 2 additional months for students who participate in a Summer internship program. They also cover the Master's tuition, travel expenses and medical insurance.

An important distinguishing feature of our Master is that it lasts for two years, the second being essential for shaping the skills of our graduates, as follows. First year: Basic graduate course work and some optional subjects. Second year: Specialized courses and research training through a Master thesis. Our ratio of students to faculty is between four and five. Thus we can devote a lot of attention to each student. This is particularly important for the Master thesis, where the faculty provides guidance to a unique degree.

Members of CEMFI’s faculty publish in top journals and are research leaders in their fields. They also edit prestigious journals and are key players at leading learned societies such as the European Economic Association and the Econometric Society.

Our Master students get very good jobs as economists. For example, in positions dealing with portfolio and risk management, macroeconomic forecasting, policy evaluation, or microeconomic consultancy. Our reputation is 20 years old and CEMFI provides a strong signal of quality, regularly confirmed by the market. Moreover, we run an experienced and efficient job placement service.

Students interested in furthering their research training, either because they aim at a professional career with a stronger research content or because they aim at an academic position, will continue to develop their research skills for another three years and complete the PhD program. Papers from CEMFI’s dissertations have been published in top journals and we have an excellent record in the PhD job market.

Admission to PhD dissertation work at CEMFI is through the Master. All students admitted to the PhD program obtain a scholarship, either from an external source or from CEMFI.

For more information on admission and scholarship applications, please visit: For any queries, feel free to contact: admissions @

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

[Australia] PhD Scholarship Co-Sponsored By Swinburne University Of Technology And Woodside Energy Ltd.: Physical Oceanography

TITLE: Wave Modelling within Extreme Tropical Cyclones


Swinburne University of Technology (SUT) and Woodside Energy Ltd (WEL) are seeking a suitably qualified student to undertake post-graduate study to develop a wave forecast model suitable for extreme tropical cyclone conditions.

About Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne University of Technology is a large multi-sectoral and multi-campus institution with a stated mission to be a pre-eminent entrepreneurial university from the Asia-Pacific, thriving on new ideas and knowledge and exploiting its intersectoral heritage to create value for its stakeholders.

The Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences is host to most of the engineering activities at Swinburne as well as key programs in aviation and photonics. The Coastal Engineering and Physical Oceanography group of the Faculty specialises in research of deep-water and finite-depth wave dynamics, spectral modelling of wind-generated waves, wave breaking and dissipation, air-sea interaction, wave-bottom interaction and turbulence.

About Woodside Energy Ltd

Woodside Energy Ltd. (WEL) is Australia’s largest offshore oil and gas producer and operator of the North West Shelf project. Over a period of 20 years, WEL has been conducting and sponsoring applied and fundamental oceanographic research. The issue of enhancing understanding of extreme tropical cyclones, and in particular improving the wave forecast under such conditions, is among the current priorities of the research sponsored by the company.


Accurate wind wave models are essential for all elements of extreme air-sea interaction, including loads on structures, upper-ocean mixing and bottom boundary layer formation. At present, physics of such models is mostly based on theory and experiments applicable to moderate wind/wave situations, which physics is then extrapolated to extreme conditions. Since air-sea interaction at such tropical cyclones is known to be different, the models manifest inconsistent results. This is a major concern for engineering design applications. The project is intended to produce, parameterise, implement and test new energy source/.sink functions for the wave forecast models, based on direct measurements in the extreme tropical cyclones and on recent theoretical advances in this field.


1) Honours degree in Physical or Mathematical Sciences (essential)
2) Strong analytical and mathematical skills (essential)
3) A good working knowledge of programming (desirable)

Commencement Date March 2008

AU$24815 per annum, tax exempt
Duration – three years

Application deadline: 31st of January, 2008

Alexander Babanin
Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences
Swinburne University of Technology
PO Box 218 Hawthorn VIC 3122
Telephone: +61-3-9214 8033
Fax: +61-3-9214 8264

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[Thailand] Master and PhD Scholarship in Energy and Environment

The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE) is an education and research consortium involving five leading institutions in Thailand , KMUTT, KMITNB, PSU, CMU and SIIT-TU as collaborating partners. We have a number of highly qualified academic staff and offer the graduate programs leading to the degrees of International research-based Doctoral and Master Programs (PhD. MPhil., MSc.) Energy Technology & Environmental Technology and International professional-oriented Master Programs (MEng./MSc.) Energy Technology and Management & Environmental Technology and Management. All students are provided with research expenses. A number of full and partial scholarship is granted to highly qualified candidates.

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit a completed application form and a research topic in English by
E-mail: or
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment,
Academic Section, 3 rd Floor, 126 Pracha Uthit Rd.,
Bangmod, Tungkru,
Bangkok 10140,
Tel. (662) 470-833-8 ,470-8309-10 Ext 4149
Fax. (662) 427-9634.

Further information is available at our web site as follows:

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[New Zealand] PhD Scholarship in Stochastic and Fuzzy Modelling Software - Auckland University of Technology

Auckland University of Technology
PhD Scholarship
Software Engineering Research Laboratory
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences

A fully funded PhD position is available in the Software Engineering Research Lab at Auckland University of Technology and applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates.

The scholarship is tenable for up to four years to support work in the area of stochastic and fuzzy modelling in the management of software development projects.

Successful candidates will have an Honours (or more likely a Masters) degree in Computer Science or similar technical discipline. They will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the software development lifecycle and have an interest in software project management. Strong development skills, preferably in Java or C++, will be required.

Applications are invited from potential international students as well as New Zealand citizens, Permanent Residents and Australian citizens. Applicants with interests in the areas of Software Product and Process Improvement, Optimisation Algorithms, Requirements Engineering or Visualisation are also invited to apply. Closing date for applications is 26 January 2008.

Interested applicants should in the first instance send a CV and covering letter to:

Dr Andy Connor (D-75)
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand


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Monday, January 7, 2008

[Netherlands] PhD Scholarship in Biostatistics at the Department of Biostatistics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

PhD Scholarship in Biostatistics at the Department of Biostatistics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

The Department of Biostatistics (Faculty of Medicine) of the Erasmus Medical Center (University of Rotterdam) is recruiting PhD-students in Biostatistics. The candidates should have a Master in Statistics, Biostatistics or Mathematics and a strong curriculum vitae. Next to preparing a PhD, the candidates will also gain practical statistical experience in a variety of small research/consultancy projects and clinical trials. The contract is for four years.

The Department of Biostatistics is known for its applied statistical research in repeated measurements analyses, missing data, survival analysis, Bayesian statistics, different areas in clinical trial topics and epidemiological models. Further, there is an intensive collaboration with the Department of Epidemiology.

If you are interested, please send your CV to:

Professor Emmanuel Lesaffre
Department of
Erasmus Medical Center

PO Box 2040
3000 CA Rotterdam
The Netherlands

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

[India] 20 Scholarships from Government of India administered by ICCR

General Cultural Scholarship Scheme(GCSS)

Government of India, through the General Cultural Scholarship Scheme (GCSS) administered by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), has announced the grant of 20 scholarships for Indonesian students and 10 scholarships for students from Timor Leste for the academic year 2008-2009 in the fields of Arts, Architecture, Literature, Commerce, Law, Politics, International Relations, Islamic Studies, Science, etc. and degree courses in Engineering, Pharmacy and Agriculture. The scholarships are also extended for doctoral and post doctoral courses.

Interested and eligible candidates may download the Application Form, General Instructions to applicants and Instructions to Candidates for filling the Application Form. The last date for receiving application forms duly completed in all respects in 6 (six) copies alongwith all supporting documents is 31st January, 2008. All candidates will be required to appear in a test in the English language which will be held on 9th February, 2008.

Candidates applying from Sumatera may send their applications to:
Mr. M.S. Mandhaiya
Consul General
19, Jl. Uskup Agung A. Sugiopranoto
Medan 20152, Sumatera Utara
Ph. 061-4531308, 4556452

Candidates applying from Bali may send their applications to:
Mr. Awanish Tiwari
Deputy Director
Jl. Raya Puputan No. 42-44
Renon – Denpasar – Bali
Ph. 0361-241978

All other candidates from other parts of Indonesia may send their applications to:
Ms. Anju Ranjan
Second Secretary (Press, Info, Education)
Embassy of India
Jl. H R Rasuna Said Kav S-1
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan -12950
Ph. 021-5204150/52/57

For further information of different scholarships please visit:
Embassy of India Jakarta:
Wordpress PPI-India:

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

[Australia] PhD Scholarships in Terrorism Studies - University of Wollongong Australia

3 PhD Scholarships in Terrorism Studies Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention

New South Wales, Australia

Up to three Higher Degree Research (HDR) Tuition Fee Scholarships and University Postgraduate Awards are available for students to undertake a Doctor of Philosophy degree in the area of terrorism studies and/or transnational crime prevention. Candidates will be based at the Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention (CTCP), University of Wollongong, Australia (

Applications are invited from candidates with backgrounds in a range of relevant academic disciplines, including international relations, criminology, psychology, law, policing, political science, strategic studies, and other related fields.

Topics of particular interest include but are NOT limited to:

• The nexus between terrorism and transnational crime
• The relationship between terrorism and other forms of political violence
• The relationship between terrorism and counterterrorism
• Regional perspectives and case studies


Applicants must provide a thesis proposal in which they identify an original research topic, convincingly argue its relevance and contribution, and demonstrate how they will examine the given issue in a systematic way.

• Applicants must meet the admission and English language requirements (for international students) set by the University of Wollongong.
• In order to be eligible for the scholarships applicants must commence their studies by August 2008.

Desirable: Working knowledge of a foreign language, field experience

Scholarship Details: The HDR Tuition Fee Scholarship will cover international student tuition fees (currently A$19,000 per year). In addition, scholarship holders will receive a University Postgraduate Award (stipend is A$19,616 for 3 years. Stipend is indexed each year).

Application Closing Date: Priority deadline for applications is 28 February 2008 for commencement by August 2008. Late applications may be considered depending on availability.

Further information:

For an application form go to

or for further details contact
Dr Adam Dolnik,
Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention,
University of Wollongong.
Email -,
Phone - +612 4221 3255

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[Belgium] PhD Scholarship in Bacteriology and Immunology - The Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre Belgium

The Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre PhD Position Department of Bacteriology and Immunology

Science at the service of safe food production and animal health

The Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre (VAR) is a Federal Public Scientific Institution located on two campuses at Uccle and Tervuren, near Brussels. In the framework of sustainable and socially acceptable agriculture, the VAR, through scientific research, expert advice, and the provision of services, contributes to a pro-active policy as regards safe food production, animal health, and public health on the federal and international levels.

To fulfill this task, 60 scientific and 150 technical staff are active in applied research in the fields of transmissible animal diseases, and of safety of animal and crop products. To support its growth and research activities carried out at the Department of Bacteriology and Immunology, VAR is currently seeking candidates for a PhD position.

Framework and tasks Paratuberculosis or Johne's disease is an enzootic bacterial disease in ruminants, due to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), characterised by a chronic and fatal diahrrea. Its prevalence has reached endemicity in European dairy herds and in the sheep, goat and deer farming sectors, with 70-80% herd prevalence in some regions. Paratuberculosis is also responsible for persistant environmental contamination of pastures and water catchment areas. Current diagnostic methods lack sensitivity, and current vaccines have little impact on the prevalence of infection; therefore both require improvement for disease control.

The aim of this research is to explore and optimise the diagnostic and vaccine potential of recently identified Map antigens in cattle. For this purpose diagnostic antigen candidates will be targeted to Antigen Presenting Cell (APC) surface receptors in a recombinant fusion strategy to enhance antigen in vitro uptake and presentation, and vaccine candidates will be targeted to cattle dendritic cell surface markers to enhance and modulate antigen presentation.

The research supports ongoing programs on M. bovis diagnosis and Map antigen discovery at the Veterinary Agrochemical Research Centre, and should lead to a PhD at Université Libre de Bruxelles. It will be carried out in both institutions under joint supervision of Dr M. Govaerts, VAR, and Prof dr M. Moser, ULB, in collaboration with external partners. The candidate will be recruited by VAR under a one-year, twice renewable research contract.


- Master in Life Sciences, Bio-Engineering, Veterinary Medicine or another relevant field
- Written/spoken fluency in either English or French.
- Successful candidates will have the ability to work in high autonomy within a multilingual group.

Contact details

- Dr Marc Govaerts, Dept. Bacteriology & Immunology, Veterinary and
Agrochemical Research Centre (CODA-CERVA),
Groeselenberg 99, B-1180 Uccle,
Tel : +32-2-3790443;
Fax : +32-2-3790679;
email :;

- homepages:

Start date: 01-Feb-2008, preferably 01-Jan-2008


Please send your curriculum vitae, motivation, relevant research experience, study curriculum with rankings, English/French proficiency (for foreign students), pdf of diploma and transcripts (translation if necessary), and name/e-mail (coordinates) of 2 reference persons, to

Further Details

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[Australia] PhD Scholarship in Wave Modelling - Swinburne University of Technology Australia

PhD Scholarship co-sponsored by Swinburne University of Technology and Woodside Energy Ltd Wave Modelling within Extreme Tropical Cyclones Physical Oceanography

Victoria, Australia


Swinburne University of Technology (SUT) and Woodside Energy Ltd (WEL) are seeking a suitably qualified student to undertake post-graduate study to develop a wave forecast model suitable for extreme tropical cyclone conditions.

About Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne University of Technology is a large multi-sectoral and multi-campus institution with a stated mission to be a pre-eminent entrepreneurial university from the Asia-Pacific, thriving on new ideas and knowledge and exploiting its intersectoral heritage to create value for its stakeholders.

The Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences is host to most of the engineering activities at Swinburne as well as key programs in aviation and photonics. The Coastal Engineering and Physical Oceanography group of the Faculty specialises in research of deep-water and finite-depth wave dynamics, spectral modelling of wind-generated waves, wave breaking and dissipation, air- sea interaction, wave-bottom interaction and turbulence.

About Woodside Energy Ltd

Woodside Energy Ltd. (WEL) is Australia's largest offshore oil and gas producer and operator of the North West Shelf project. Over a period of 20 years, WEL has been conducting and sponsoring applied and fundamental oceanographic research. The issue of enhancing understanding of extreme tropical cyclones, and in particular improving the wave forecast under such conditions, is among the current priorities of the research sponsored by the company.


Accurate wind wave models are essential for all elements of extreme air-sea interaction, including loads on structures, upper-ocean mixing and bottom boundary layer formation. At present, physics of such models is mostly based on theory and experiments applicable to moderate wind/wave situations, which physics is then extrapolated to extreme conditions. Since air-sea interaction at such tropical cyclones is known to be different, the models manifest inconsistent results. This is a major concern for engineering design applications. The project is intended to produce, parameterise, implement and test new energy source/.sink functions for the wave forecast models, based on direct measurements in the extreme tropical cyclones and on recent theoretical advances in this field.


1. Honours degree in Physical or Mathematical Sciences (essential)
2. Strong analytical and mathematical skills (essential)
3. A good working knowledge of programming (desirable)

Commencement Date: March 2008

Scholarship: A$24,815 per annum, tax exempt. Duration – three years

Application Deadline: 31 January 2008

Alexander Babanin
Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences
Swinburne University of Technology
PO Box 218 Hawthorn VIC 3122
Telephone: +61-3-9214 8033
Fax: +61-3-9214 8264

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[Australia] PhD Scholarship in Ocean Engineering - Swinburne University of Technology Australia

PhD Scholarship in Ocean Engineering Development of a Global Ocean Database from Satellite Altimeters

Victoria, Australia


Swinburne University of Technology (SUT) is seeking a suitably qualified student to undertake post-graduate study to develop an altimeter database for ocean waves and apply it to investigation of extreme wave events.

About Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne University of Technology is a large multi-sectoral and multi-campus institution with a stated mission to be a pre-eminent entrepreneurial university from the Asia-Pacific, thriving on new ideas and knowledge and exploiting its intersectoral heritage to create value for its stakeholders.

The Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences is host to most of the engineering activities at Swinburne as well as key programs in aviation and photonics. The Coastal Engineering and Physical Oceanography group of the Faculty specialises in research of deep-water and finite-depth wave dynamics, spectral modelling of wind-generated waves, wave breaking and dissipation, air-sea interaction, wave-bottom interaction and turbulence.


Over the past 20 years satellite-based radar altimeters have made measurements of ocean wave conditions. During this period of time a total of 7 different altimeter missions have been flown. The combined database represents the most comprehensive dataset ever developed of global wave conditions. This project involves developing a combined database from these separate missions and then applying this to the determination of extreme wave conditions at any location on the global oceans. The resulting database has the potential to drastically change the way in which ocean wave design is undertaken.


1. Degree in Engineering, Computer Science or Mathematical Sciences (essential)
2. Strong analytical and mathematical skills (essential)
3. A good working knowledge of programming and databases (desirable)

Commencement Date: March 2008

Scholarship: A$24,815 per annum, tax exempt. Duration – three years

Application deadline: 31 January 2008

Alexander Babanin
Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences
Swinburne University of Technology
PO Box 218 Hawthorn VIC 3122
Telephone: +61-3-9214 8033
Fax: +61-3-9214 8264

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[Singapore] SPMS: SMF 2008 PhD/ Post Doc Scholarships Applications

Dear Profs,

We refer to the email below from the Dean with regards to the above-mentioned scholarships applications.

a. The Singapore Millennium Foundation Ltd (SMF) is calling applications for the following:
1) PhD scholarships - with financial support of S$3,000 per month for up to 4 years
2) Post Doctoral funding - with financial support of S$5,000 per month for up to 2 years

Details of the SMF Scholarship applications can be found at

b. Accoding to SMF, the 2008 applcations will close on 31 Jan 2008. However, depending on the response, this date may be extended to 28 Feb 2008. I will need to contact RSO/OHR to check on their internal deadline to consolidate all Schools submission.

c. Please encourage your current and prospective PhD and Post Doctoral (PhD holders) candidates to apply quickly.

d. Candidates are required to submit an online application at Print out the completed form (with signature) and enclose with the following supporting documents in ENGLISH and duly certified as true copies to be enclosed (please arrange the document accordingly):

1. Curriculum Vitae.
2. TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/GATE Scores ( please check directly with the University/Research Institute on this requirement )
3. Doctoral’s degree certificate and transcripts, if applicable.
4. Master’s degree certificate and transcripts, if applicable.
5. Bachelor’s degree certificate & transcripts, if applicable.
6. Abstract of Proposed Research (250 words).
7. Proposed Plan of Research.
8. Abstract of Previous Research Accomplishments (if applicable)
9. Letter of Support by Hosting Scientific Advisor.
10. A copy of Hosting Scientific Advisor Curriculum Vitae (if applicable)
11. Two Reference Letters
12. Progress Report (if applicable)

Note: Candidates are also encouraged to discuss with their supervisors about the submission of application.

e. We will require the candidates to submit their applications to the School and we will append a copy to the Divisions for record in due course. Tentatively, we hope to receive all completed applications by 7 January 2008 and will revise the deadline after we hear from RSO /OHR:

Associate Chair (Graduate and Research)
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Nanyang Technological University
1 Nanyang Walk, Block 5, Level 3
Singapore 637616
(attention: Ms Loo Leong Gaik)

Please feel free to let me know if you need any further clarification.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Leong Gaik

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[German] 10 Scholarships Per Year-Freie Universitat Berlin

The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies awards ten scholarships per year for the three-year programme of study. The award may be extended after the first year, contingent upon positive evaluation of a first chapter of the dissertation.

Scholarships are approximately EU1400 per month. Information on application can be found here.

Students admitted to the programme who cannot be offered a scholarship by the Graduate School will receive administrative assistance in applying for third-party funding.

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