International Scholarships

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

[Denmark] PhD Scholarships at the IT University of Copenhagen

The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) invites applicants for 2 PhD scholarships starting summer/fall 2007 within the "Computer Supported Mobile Adaptive Business Processes (CosmoBiz)" research project funded by the research council for technology and production (grant no 274-06-0415).

One scholarship within Formal Semantics and Types for Mobile Adaptive Business Processes ref. no. 225-0026: The successful applicant will be an excellent student capable of conducting research, under supervision, at the highest international level. Applicants are expected to have an MSc (or having completed 4 years of studies towards a MSc) in Computer Science, Engineering or Mathematics and in particular have experience in one or more of the areas of type theory, formal semantics, process calculi, bigraphs, graph rewriting, concurrency theory and implementation of research-based software systems.

The PhD scholarship runs for a period of three years (possibly four years if initiated prior to obtaining a MSc). In the evaluation of the applications emphasis will especially be put on grade average, prior academic performance, collaborative skills and the ability to make a realistic and promising work plan for the project.

One scholarship within Computer Supported Mobile Work ref. no. 225-0027: The successful applicant will be an excellent student capable of conducting research, under supervision, at the highest international level. Applicants are expected to have a solid background in a relevant field such as Social Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering, or the Humanities, and in particular have experience in one or more of the areas of computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), distributed computing, or mobile and pervasive computing. Applicants with experience with ethnographic field work in work settings or other kinds of qualitative studies will be preferred.

The PhD scholarship runs for a period of three years (possibly four years if initiated prior to obtaining a MSc). In the evaluation of the applications emphasis will especially be put on grade average and the ability to make a realistic and promising work plan for the project.

For more information on this project you may contact Associate Professor Thomas Hildebrandt at hilde@itu.dk1.

General information:

The PhD scholarships run for a period of three or four years depending on the educational level of the student. A three-year scholarship can only be awarded to applicants with a Master’s degree equivalent to a Danish graduate degree. Students with the equivalence of 4 years of university studies - where one year (60 ECTS) is transferable to one of the Master of IT programs at ITU - can be awarded a four-year scholarship.

Appointment and salary will be in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). Applicants must document that they will be able to fulfill the admission requirements before entering the PhD program.

Applications are preferred in English, though Danish would be accepted. It is the responsibility of the applicant that documentation such as diplomas or recommendations are either in English or Danish.

The application must include:
1. Completed application form available on our website:
2. Letter of motivation
3. Project description (see guidelines on our website)
4. Documentation of previous studies; diplomas etc.
5. Brief CV
6. Copies of theses or up to 3 selected publications and a numbered list of all

All application material, including all enclosures (see above points 1-6), must be assembled in a manner that makes it easy to copy, i.e. A4 format and unstapled.

The application in 1 copy including enclosures marked with the above mentioned ref. no. must be submitted to:

IT-Universitetet i København
Att.: Journalen
Rued Langgaards Vej 7 2300 KBH. S.

You may also submit your application electronically (one file per person) in pdf-format to journalen@itu.dk3. Please note that applications sent to any other email address will not be taken into consideration.

Application deadline: 7 May 2007 at 12.00 noon.

The IT University invites all qualified candidates irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or ethnic background to apply for the scholarships.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Beasiswa Penelitian Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa dari WWF Indonesia

Program Konservasi Spesies WWF-Indonesia berinisiatif mengundang mahasiswa/i sarjana (S1) dan pasca-sarjana tingkat akhir yang sedang atau akan menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir (skripsi/thesis/disertasi) untuk melaksanakan studi terkait pelestarian harimau Sumatera Studi yang dilakukan akan mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek penting yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam usaha pelestarian harimau Sumatera dan habitatnya sebagai bahan rekomendasi untuk pengelolaan yang lebih baik.

Tema umum dari studi ini adalah Melestarikan Harimau Sumatera dengan Pemahaman Masalahnya.

Tema meliputi :
1. Bio-ekologi harimau Sumatera dan mangsanya, meliputi aspek populasi dan habitat
2. Mitigasi konflik manusia dan harimau: status dan penanganannya
3. Aspek-aspek sosial, ekonomi dan budaya terkait harimau Sumatera
4. Hukum menyangkut pelestarian harimau Sumatera (termasuk aspek perburuan dan perdagangan illegal serta upaya pencegahannya, pelestarian habitat, dan sebagainya)
5. Kebijakan pemerintah dalam upaya konservasi harimau Sumatera
6. Peran berbagai pihak dalam pelestarian harimau Sumatera

Kategori Beasiswa

Kategori besarnya nilai beasiswa akan ditentukan berdasarkan kebutuhan dana yang terkait dengan tujuan, metode dan durasi penelitian yang diajukan oleh setiap pelamar, serta ketersediaan dana. WWF Indonesia akan mengutamakan pelamar yang memiliki sumber dana pendamping. Bagi pelamar yang berhasil, WWF Indonesia -Program Riau menyediakan dana hibah antara Rp. 5.000.000 (lima juta rupiah) hingga Rp. 15.000.000 (limabelas juta rupiah). Pembayaran akan dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap, dengan pembayaran terakhir diberikan setelah WWF menerima salinan berkas Tugas Akhir sesuai dengan proposal yang disampaikan.

Sebagai bahan kelengkapan dan pertimbangan, WWF Indonesia memerlukan beberapa persyaratan (dokumen) berupa:

1. Proposal singkat (max. 6 halaman kwarto) mencakup: Judul, latar-belakang, tujuan, metode yang akan digunakan, dan hasil yang diharapkan. (Penilaian akan ditekankan pada perumusan tujuan dan kejelasan metode.)
2. Rincian kebutuhan biaya dan jadwal rencana kerja (meliputi waktu pengumpulan data, analisa data, penulisan, dan seminar hasil)
3. CV pelamar, lengkap dengan alamat kontak
4. Surat referensi atau dukungan dari Jurusan/Fakultas tempat mahasiswa menempuh studi
5. Surat dukungan dari dosen pembimbing tugas akhir yang menyatakan kesediaannya untuk membimbing mahasiswa bersangkutan melakukan penelitian dan penulisan tugas akhirnya sesuai dengan proposal yang dikirimkan.
Bagi pelamar yang berminat dapat mengirimkan dokumen yang dimaksud (lebih disukai dalam format elektronik) ke alamat:

WWF Indonesia-Riau Program

(U.P. Panitia Seleksi Beasiswa Harimau)
Komplek Perkantoran Grand Sudirman Blok B-1
Jl. Datuk Setia Maharaja Pekanbaru, Riau 28282, Indonesia
Telepon : (0761) 855006, Fax : (0761) 35323
Dokumen persyaratan diterima paling lambat 15 April 2007
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat dan berhasil yang akan dihubungi.Keputusan panitia seleksi adalah final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai Beasiswa Penelitian Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa dari WWF Indonesia, dapat membuka halaman ini

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[Denmark] Ph.D. Scholarships - Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus

Ph.D. Scholarships Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus (Denmark)

2 PhD scholarships at Centre for International Business Law

At the Centre for International Business Law (CIBL) two PhD scholarships are vacant. It is expected that the new positions will be filled by May 1, 2007 or according to agreement. CIBL is a newly established research centre at Department of Law, Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus.

Only applicants with projects within the research profile of CIBL will be considered. The research of CIBL is focusing on the legal aspects of the internationalisation of firms and on the internationalisation of business law itself. More detailed information about CIBL can be found at

Applicants willing to write within the following subjects will be especially welcomed:

1) Alternative methods in regulating European Company Law,
2a) Legal Protection for Plant Genetic Resources,
2b) Legal protection of human tissues and cells

These two projects are linked to ongoing research projects within the Centre; The detailed project description at

For further information about the two projects, please contact Professor Paul Krüger Andersen ( (as to project 1) or Associate Professor Tine Sommer ( (as to project 2).

More information on the positions can be obtained from
Centre Director Karsten Engsig Sørensen,
Tel. +45 8948 6335 or

Conditions of employment

The PhD scholarship has a duration of three years. Graduates and students expecting to complete their study programme in the near future may apply for the scholarship. The employment is covered by a national col-lective agreement.

For further information on admission criteria and ASB’s PhD programme, please go to:

The application

The application must be submitted on a special application form which can be downloaded from: or requested from
Helle Bjørnebo Neidhardt,
Tel. +45 8948 6567,
email: .

If you have any questions about the scholarships etc., please feel free to contact
Henrik Scriver, deputy head,
Tel. +45 8948 6560,

The application must be submitted on the above- mentioned application form and the following attachments:
* Project description
* Outline of the course of the PhD programme
* Graduate diploma
* CV and
* Other material, if any (e.g. publications), which should be taken into account in the assessment

The application and attachments must be submitted in sets (without binding) in five copies by ordinary mail to Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus, Management Office, Fuglesangs Allé 4, DK-8210 Aarhus V, Denmark; attention: Helle Bjørnebo Neidhardt.

Deadline for application

Monday 16 April 2007 at 12:00 noon. The applications will subsequently be assessed by an expert assess-ment committee, and applicants will receive the committee’s assessment of the individual application.

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[England] PhD Scholarships in Economics - University of Kent

4 PhD Scholarships in Economics

Department of Economics, University of Kent, UK (United Kingdom)

The Department of Economics at the University of Kent welcomes applications for 4 Doctoral Scholarships. All applicants will be considered for two types of posts:

- 2 Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTAs): These GTAs will cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate plus a maintenance grant of £4,250 in return for up to six hours seminar teaching per week. The GTAs will be offered for one year in the first instance and will be subject to review each year.

- 2 PhD Studentships: these will cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate plus a maintenance grant of £6,300 in return for up to six hours seminar teaching per week. They will be offered for one year in the first instance and will be subject to review each year.

For more information please go to: or

Candidates must hold a good Master's degree at merit or distinction in Economics and/or equivalent subjects.

Students must provide with their applications: a full CV, academic transcripts, two reference letters and a short research project. Students should also apply online for the PhD programme in Economics at:

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[England] MSc studentships in London

The Department of Science and Technology Studies, UCL, offers up to two scholarships for the MSc programmes taught by the London Centre for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology:

* MSc in History of Science, Medicine and Technology
* MSc in Science, Technology, Medicine and Society

These studentships will cover tuition fees at Home/EU rates. They do not include a stipend or support for accommodation. There is a preference to award one scholarship for each MSc programme. However, the Department may elect instead to support truly exceptional candidates regardless of their degree choice.

Eligibility: All Home/EU applicants accepted for entry onto these courses will be considered for these awards. They will be judged on the basis of their MSc application, plus any supporting material (such as impressions drawn from interviews). Those wishing to provide additional material in support of their case may submit a 750 word statement describing their particular interest in the degree.

For more information about the degrees, visit the London Centre web site

The London Centre is a consortium of three of London's top academic units dedicated to the history of science, technology and medicine. For more than 20 years, it has offered a successful, highly-praised MSc programme in history of science, medicine and technology. From 2007 we're expanding to offer two degrees.

MSc in History of Science, Medicine and Technology

Well-established degree featuring rigorous surveys in content, analysis, and methods. Our flexible options structure allows concentration on specialised areas and themes.

MSc in Science, Technology, Medicine and Society

New from 2007-08. Degree on the policy and sociology of science, technology and medicine , strongly informed by history.

Each MSc is a one-year taught programmes aiming for breadth and depth of understanding. We draw students from ages 21 to above 70, from all corners of the globe, and from backgrounds in the humanities, sciences, engineering, and the civil service. Part-time study is available, too, over two years. Typical applicants seek: preparation for PhD research, career development and enhancement, and personal enrichment.

The London Centre includes prize-winning researchers and award- winning tutors. You'll find we overflow with enthusiasm, commitment, guidance, and support.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

[Germany] PhD Scholarships Max Planck Research School

PhD Scholarships within the International Max Planck Research School for Quantum Dynamics in Physics, Chemistry and Biology

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Quantum Dynamics in Physics, Chemistry and Biology is a graduate school offering a doctoral degree program in these disciplines.The IMPRS is a joint initiative of the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Ruprecht-Karls University, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the Max Planck Institute for Medical reserach (all in Heidelberg) and the Heavy Ion Research Center (GSI) in Darmstadt. Membership in the Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics is envisaged. Further information may be found on the school's website

Applications of students from all countries are welcome. To be eligible for PhD studies at the University of Heidelberg, applicants should have a Master of Science degree (or equivalent). Applicants who do not have a Master thesis may be accepted if they can prove their ability to carry out independent research projects. International applicants whose mother-tongue is not English or German are advised to provide a proof of English proficiency.

At equal level of qualification, candidates with disabilities are given preference. Women are encouraged to apply.

Applications for the academic program starting in September 2007 must be received by May 15, 2007. Each applicant has to initiate his/her application by registering online at and following the steps outlined there.

 Applications for the academic program starting in September 2007 must be received by May 15, 2007. Each applicant has to initiate his/her application by registering online at and following the steps outlined there.

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[Germany] Doctoral Scholarships for the New PhD Program "The Economics of Innovative Change" - Germany

Doctoral Scholarships for the New PhD Program "The Economics of Innovative Change"

Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany)

The new research training group / Graduiertenkolleg 1411 "The Economics of Innovative Change" (Die Ökonomik des innovativen Wandels) started on October 1st, 2006 at the Department of Economics of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena.

The program is funded by the German Science Foundation. It offers top level graduated students the opportunity to achieve a doctoral degree (PhD) in economics. Meanwhile the research group comprises 25 PhD students and 2 Postdocs. Continuous enrollment in the program is possible.

The Research Training Group offers several scholarships for doctoral students (duration of 2+1 years) with a background in economics and business administration.

The Research Training Group "The Economics of Innovative Change" will address unresolved questions and problems concerning the economic dynamics of firms, markets, sectors and regions with an analytical focus on the endogenous driving forces mainly understood as the activities of invention and innovation. The variety of topics that is dealt with covers the foundations of individual behaviour and the economic and institutional environment, the generation of innovations together with the organizational forms of activities of invention and innovations, the change of the sectoral structures caused by innovations, the role of the demand side in this context, as well as the political management of change.

The scholarship positions require a permanent and active participation in the study and the research program of the research training group. Therefore all scholarship holders are expected to choose Jena as their place of residence.

Applications are expected to include

* CV, copy of diploma, BA, MA certificate, copy of diploma or master thesis, writing sample (about 10 pages), 2 reference letters from academic teachers, 1 page statement on the expected benefit from participating in the program;
• the application form: visit our homepage, download, fill in and return to us;

and be mailed to the spokesman of the Research Training Group:

Professor Dr. Uwe Cantner Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena Department of Economics Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3 D-07743 Jena e-mail: uwe.cantner @

Application is possible on a continuous basis. Please do not send any originals because materials submitted cannot be returned to the applicant.

For more information on the structure, teaching staff and objectives of the Research Training Group please visit:

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[Denmark] International Ph.D. Scholarship at University of Southern Denmark and Tilburg University

International Ph.D. Scholarship in Risk Management Strategies in Fisheries Management at University of Southern Denmark and Tilburg University

University of Southern Denmark and Tilburg University (Denmark)

An International Ph.D. Scholarship is available at the Research school Centre of Fisheries & Aquaculture Management & Economics (FAME), a joint scholarship between University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg and Department of Economics, Tilburg University, Holland.

The objective of this Ph.D. project is to investigate how risk theory and methods of risk management can be adapted to fisheries management so as to make fisheries management more effective in relation to situations with varying degrees of risks and uncertainties.

The main focus of this Ph.D. project is to investigate how risk analysis theories can be applied to fisheries management, both in relation to the management decisions and the phase of implementation. While biological uncertainties and risks have been addressed in fisheries advice, but need to be further developed, a systematic approach including also economical and social risks in fisheries management is still lacking and new initiatives for adapting the risk framework to fisheries management are needed. A full description of the project is available at

Supervisors will be Associated Professor Urs Steiner Brandt, University of Southern Denmark and Professor Erwin Bulte, Tilburg University. For further information, contact Associated Professor Urs Steiner Brandt, tel.: + 45 6550 4184 or email:

Employment as a Salaried Ph.D. Research Fellow is governed by a protocol on Ph.D. Research Fellows signed by the Danish Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) on 11 January 2006, enclosure 5.

Fill in the application form available on
our web page http://
or call the Social Science Faculty secretariat, Mette Fuglsig,
phone +45 6550 2201,
e-mail: mef @

All interested persons are encouraged to apply, regardless of age, gender, religious affiliation or ethnic background.

Please send in 4 copies of the application including curriculum vitae, project description, publications if any, marked "351/522-075391" before 17 April 2007 at 12.00 to the University of Southern Denmark, The Faculty of Social Sciences, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark

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[Italy] 38 Scholarships at Alta Scuola Politecnica (ASP), Italy

Call for Applications
reserved to foreign citizens, EU and extra EU

The Alta Scuola Politecnica (hereafter indicated as ASP) is launching a call for applications addressed to young talents who want to develop their interdisciplinary capabilities for leading and promoting innovation.

Founded by Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino, the ASP may be attended only by talents who enrol in one of their programmes of laurea specialistica (hereafter indicated as LS) in Engineering, Architecture or Design. The ASP, through a highly selective process, gives 150 promising students the opportunity to participate an additional advanced programme that runs in parallel to the LS programmes.

ASP students complement the knowledge achieved in their specific LS with a multifaceted and enriched understanding of innovation processes and contexts. They develop an interdisciplinary attitude to conceive, plan, implement and promote complex innovation projects that produce sustainable progress in economy, society and culture. The ASP is characterised by a multidisciplinary and multicultural community of students and professors, a prominent international Faculty, advanced seminars and study projects in close cooperation with business enterprises and governmental institutions.

There are 3 separate calls, each targeted to a specific group of students and with different deadlines:

1) a call reserved to foreign citizens (EU and extra EU), who have not graduated in Italy, deadline May 31st, 2007;

2) a call reserved to students who have graduated in Italy, not in the regions of Lombardia or Piemonte, to be issued on June 1st, 2007 with application deadline on July 15th, 2007;

3) a general call, open to all students and relative to all unassigned places after admitting students at calls n. 1 and n. 2 (at least 74 places available), to be issued on June 15th, 2007 with deadline September 15th, 2007.

The present call is call number 1, targeted to foreign citizens (EU and extra EU).

Number of Places

For the Academic Year 2007-2008, the ASP will enrol up to 150 students, 90 at Politecnico di Milano and 60 at Politecnico di Torino. The number of students enrolled may increase after this call, if further financial resources become available. Up to 38 places of the aforementioned are reserved to talented foreign students (EU and extra-EU citizens), 23 at Politecnico di Milano and 15 at Politecnico di Torino. This specific call concerns these 38 places reserved to foreign students.

Admission Fees

Students admitted in the Academic Year 2007-2008 will benefit from fee waiver for the two years of the ASP study programme.

Deadline for the Submission of Applications

1. The deadline for application for places reserved to foreign students is May 31st, 2007 and applicants will receive communication of acceptance before June 30th, 2007.

2. The application forms for admission to the selection have to be filled out on-line (, Admission and Financial Aid section), printed on plain paper and signed, and have to be sent by regular/priority mail or by fax to the same university where the ASP candidate is also applying for the laurea specialistica (the Politecnico di Milano or the Politecnico di Torino)

Alta Scuola Politecnica
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
I-20133 Milano
Fax +39 02 2399 9795

Alta Scuola Politecnica
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
I-10129 Torino
Fax +39 011 090 5767

3. Whatever the mean of delivery, application forms must be received at the above offices before the deadline indicated (May 31st, 2007). The ASP will not be held responsible for any delay in the arrival of the application forms due to irregular mail delivery or other possible causes.

Further Information:

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[England] PhD Scholarship in Criminology and Sociological Studies - University of Hul

PhD Scholarship in Criminology and Sociological Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Science

The closing date for applications is 30th March 2007.

The University offers a Scholarship to suitably qualified applicants wishing to pursue research leading to PhD status under the supervision of leading researchers in one of the fields indicated below. The research programmes will be integrated with training in accordance with Research Council specifications and accredited to the level of additional qualifications (Postgraduate Masters, Certificate and Diploma in Research Training).

* Anthropology
* Criminology
* Gender Studies
* Social Policy
* Sociology

Each full-time PhD Scholarship will include fees at the 'home/EU' student rate and maintenance (£12,300 in 2006/07), for three years. Overseas students will need to apply for additional funding to cover the overseas fees, such as the Overseas Research Student Award Scheme. Applicants must be able to register before 31st July 2007.

For further details and an application form,
or e-mail,
supplying your name, postal address and the department you are interested in. Please include 'PhD Scholarships' in the subject box header.

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[England] PhD Scholarships in Chemistry - University of Hull

3 PhD Scholarships in Chemistry
Faculty of Science

The closing date for applications is 30th March 2007.

The University offers the following Scholarships to suitably qualified applicants wishing to pursue research leading to PhD status under the supervision of leading researchers in the fields indicated below. The research programmes will be integrated with training in accordance with Research Council specifications and accredited to the level of additional qualifications (Postgraduate Masters, Certificate and Diploma in Research Training).

* Using colloidal particles at interfaces to encapsulate fluids, to be carried out within the Surfactant & Colloid Group
* Development of a micro fluidic device for the study of chaperone drugs within a tissue environment as a route to personalised pharmaceutical therapies
* Synthesis of highly light active self-assembling materials

Each full-time PhD Scholarship will include fees at the 'home/EU' student rate and maintenance (£12,300 in 2006/07), for three years. Overseas students will need to apply for additional funding to cover the overseas fees, such as the Overseas Research Student Award Scheme. Applicants must be able to register before 31st July 2007.

For further details and an application form,
or e-mail,
supplying your name, postal address and the department you are interested in. Please include 'PhD Scholarships' in the subject box header.

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[England] PhD Scholarships in Engineering - University of Hull

2 PhD Scholarships in Engineering
Faculty of Science

The closing date for applications is 30th March 2007.

The University offers the following Scholarships to suitably qualified applicants wishing to pursue research leading to PhD status under the supervision of leading researchers in the fields indicated below. The research programmes will be integrated with training in accordance with Research Council specifications and accredited to the level of additional qualifications (Postgraduate Masters, Certificate and Diploma in Research Training).

* Energy Harvesting for Sensor Networks
* Medical Engineering
- Bone Modelling
- Microbubble Ultrasound Imaging
- Thermofluid Simulation

Each full-time PhD Scholarship will include fees at the 'home/EU' student rate and maintenance (£12,300 in 2006/07), for three years. Overseas students will need to apply for additional funding to cover the overseas fees, such as the Overseas Research Student Award Scheme. Applicants must be able to register before 31st July 2007.

For further details and an application form,
or e-mail,
supplying your name, postal address and the department you are interested in. Please include 'PhD Scholarships' in the subject box header.

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[England] Teaching PhD Scholarship in Social Epidemiology - University of York

University of York Teaching PhD Scholarship
The Inequalities In Health Research Group
Department Of Health Sciences

Closing date: 30 April 2007

With York rated 6th out of 172 UK research education institutions, research students in the Department have unrivalled opportunities to develop their skills by working alongside research teams who are building the international evidence base.

The Department seeks outstanding applicants for this full time PhD Scholarship, funded by the University of York and supervised by Dr Kate Pickett

The Scholarship offers tuition fees and a stipend for 3.5 years and a defined teaching role and training programme. It is an opportunity to gain valuable teaching experience and career development at the same time as carrying out doctoral research. The research project will be within the discipline of social epidemiology.

Applicants should have, or expect to have, a first or upper second class honours degree in a relevant discipline (e.g. sociology, psychology, health studies, epidemiology, geography) and an interest in the application of research to policy and practice. An MA/MSc with a research methods/statistics orientation and/or experience of analysis of large scale data sets would be an advantage. For details please visit

Application forms are available at:

Tel: 01904 321372


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[Italy] Scholarships from ENI Corporate University

The Eni Corporate University announces a competition for an academic course that leads to a Master's Degree in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics - MEDEA. The course is organized and managed by the Scuola Enrico Mattei.

The Master is offered to Italian and foreign university graduates that are interested in career paths within firms, authorities and other institutions operating in the energy and environmental sectors. For the Academic Year 2007-2008, the Scuola Enrico Mattei will assign a maximum of 50 scholarships.

Three programs of the MEDEA are offered:

Energy Industry Economics
Business Administration in Energy Industry
Managing Technical Assets in Energy Industry

The program is articulated on three phases, with an increasing degree of specialisation. All profiles consist of preliminary courses, followed by fundamental courses and by specialisation classes.

The Academic Year runs for ten months, from September 5, 2007 through to June 27, 2008. Full-time attendance is required. Since courses are conducted in Italian and in English, an intensive Italian language course will be held during the summer of 2007. Those who have successfully completed the programme of study will be awarded a Master's Degree in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics - MEDEA.

Admission is subject to the following requirements:

* University degree in Italy, or an equivalent academic qualification abroad, in departments of: Business Administration, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Geology, Industrial Chemistry, International Law, Physics and Statistics;
* Italian candidates must be under the age of 28 years and non-Italian candidates must be under the age of 32 at the beginning of the Master course;
* Good knowledge of the English language.
* The course, moreover, can be attended also by people autonomously chosen by the Eni Companies.

The deadline for application is March 31, 2007 for foreign citizens and April 30, 2007 for Italian citizens. Italian candidates will attend the final selection in San Donato Milanese (MI); non-Italian candidates in Algeri, Almaty, Ankara, Beijing, Brussels, Budapest, Cairo, Lagos, London, Luanda, Madrid, Monaco, Moscow, New York, Sao Paulo, Tripoli, or in other offices of Eni, depending on their nationality.

Euros 25,000

For successful candidates, the admission to and the enrolment in the School carry no fees. The School offers students a financial contribution for the accommodation and living expenses. Moreover, students are given free training materials and the opportunity to avail themselves of Eni canteen facilities. Finally, scholarships are provided on the basis of examination results. .

San Donato Milanese, December 15, 2006 The Chief Executive Officer Sergio Primus

Applications must be sent online at:

For further information and leaflet please contact the School
Secretary at:

Scuola Enrico Mattei - Eni Corporate University
Via S. Salvo, 1
20097 - San Donato Milanese (MI), Italy.
Tel. (0039) 02.520.57922 or (0039) 02.520.57907
Fax (0039) 02.520.37067

Click here to view website

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[England] PhD Studentship in ScHARR - University of Sheffield

PhD Studentships
School of Health & Related Research (ScHARR)
University of Sheffield

The School invites applications for full-time PhD studentships in the areas of Public Health, Epidemiology, Health Services Research, Health Economics, Medical Statistics, Social Sciences or Mental Health. The new University Studentships scheme provides fees at the UK/EU rate, a maintenance grant of between £6,300-12,300 per year and a Research Training Support Grant for three years of study from October 2007.

To apply for a studentship, you need to download the application forms
and submit this before 30 March 2007.
For further information about ScHARR, please visit

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[England] PhD Scholarship in Politics Faculty of Arts and Social Science

The closing date for applications is 30th March 2007.

The University offers a Scholarship to suitably qualified applicants wishing to pursue research leading to PhD status under the supervision of leading researchers in one of the fields indicated below. The research programmes will be integrated with training in accordance with Research Council specifications and accredited to the level of additional qualifications (Postgraduate Masters, Certificate and Diploma in Research Training).

* International Politics
* International Law and Politics
* Security Studies
* Global Political Economy
* Globalisation & Governance
* Legislative Studies
* European Union Studies
* Political Theory
* the Politics of the Internet

Each full-time PhD Scholarship will include fees at the 'home/EU' student rate and maintenance (£12,300 in 2006/07), for three years. Overseas students will need to apply for additional funding to cover the overseas fees, such as the Overseas Research Student Award Scheme. Applicants must be able to register before 31st July 2007.

For further details and an application form,
or e-mail ,
supplying your name, postal address and the department you are interested in. Please include 'PhD Scholarships' in the subject box header.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

[Italy] Politecnico di Milano Scholarships

Scholarships for Foreign Students

Every year there is the opportunity to request consideration for specific scholarships offered to international students.

Students obtaining a scholarship will have to pay only a nominal tuition fee of €144.

All international students who fill-in the on-line application form and deliver the required documentation to the International Admission Office by March 30th 2007, will automatically be considered for purely merit-based scholarship. On the on-line application form, candidates may express their desire to be considered for the financially-based merit scholarships they are eligible for.

Scholarship for Master of Science programmes available for the year 2007/2008


100 annual scholarships of € 8.000 gross a year for two years are available for foreign students applying to Master of Science programmes held in Como and Lecco campuses

Programmes held in Como and Lecco campuses, entirely taught in English:

* Building Engineering
* Computer Engineering
* Civil Engineering
* Environmental Engineering
* Management Economics and Industrial Engineering
* Mechanical Engineering

>> POLITECNICO di MILANO Scholarships

In 2006/2007 the Politecnico offered 86 scholarships for foreign students applying to Master of Science programmes held on the Milano Campuses (Leonardo or Bovisa). The scholarships covered accommodation costs with one of the Student Residences with which the Politecnico di Milano has signed specific agreements. The number of scholarships provided for 2007/2008 may change.

Scholarships for PhD Programmes

In 2006, 23 scholarships of € 10.561,54 (gross amount) were reserved to foreign students applying to the selected PhD programmes. Furthermore, international students could apply for other scholarships of the same amount, attending the oral and written tests together with Italian students.

Specializing Masters

In the year 2006, 3 Scholarships were reserved to Indian students applying to the Master of Strategic Design (MDS), covering tuition fees.

For complete information please check this website

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

[USA] American Indonesian Exchange Foundation

Aminef is now opening scholarship opportunity for 2008-2009 Academic year for American or Indonesian people.

Please check :

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Beasiswa Habibie Center

Menyampaikan informasi beasiswa S-3 dari Yayasan SDM dalam IPTEK (Habibie Center).

Bidang Studi yang ditawarkan adalah:
Ilmu Dasar, Ilmu Kedokteran dan Bioteknologi, Ilmu Rekayasa, Ilmu Sosial, Ekonomi, Politik, dan Hukum, Ilmu Filsafat, Agama dan Kebudayaan.

Batas waktu penyampaian kelengkapan berkas calon adalah:
Tanggal 16 April 2007 dan disampaikan melalui Kantor Kerjasama dan International Gd. Pusat Administrasi Lt. 5 – UI Depok.

Batas usia peserta tidak lebih dari 35 tahun.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut pada mengunjungi
website :
Email :

atau menghubungi

Kantor Kerjasama dan International UI telp. 7867222 ext. 100523

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Sunday, March 4, 2007

[French] Scholarships from Embassy of French for Indonesia Citizens

The French Government, through the Embassy of France in Jakarta, has been providing excellence scholarships to Indonesian citizens for more than 25 years. Application deadline Monday 30th April 2007. In order to pursue its objective to improve Indonesian human resources, the Embassy of France will offer scholarships for the year 2006. These scholarships are given to government officials, lecturers, students (with a priority to those involved in a cooperation program between France and Indonesia) to undertake three kinds of training :

* Master degree (maximum duration of 2 years)
* Doctoral degree (maximum duration of 3 years, only on a shared cost basis)
* Post-Doctoral program (maximum duration of 6 months, only on a shared cost basis)

To get further information about clauses and registration form, you earns direct to contact us or download:

* Scholarship Brochure
* Application Form of Scholarship>

Form which have been equiped, along with the clauses, should have been sent to address which we at the latest date of 30 Aprils 2007.


Applicants must fulfill the following requirements :
* Minimum diploma : bachelor degree / S1.
* Fluent English.
* Less than 35 years old.
* Minimum GPA score of 3 (except for fundamental sciences – 3.5).
* 2 years of working experience (except for fresh graduate students).
* Submit all the documents specified in the application form.

Fields of studies
1. Public administration*
2. Law and political sciences*
3. Engineering (water management, agronomy, civil engineering...)
4. Fundamental sciences (mathematics, physics...)

* Please note that these fields of studies (1.2) require a min. level of French language.

Selection procedure
Step one :
Selection based on the application forms and required documents submitted.
Step two :
Motivation interview (French or English languages only) in Jakarta, Indonesia

The Embassy of France scholarship covers
* Intensive French language course (11 months in French Cultural Center)
* Airplane tickets
* Tuition fees
* Monthly living allowance
* Insurance

Application deadline
All applications must be sent before Monday 30th April 2007 at the following address :

Ambassade de France en Indonésie
Service de coopération et d’action culturelle
Jalan Panarukan no 35
Menteng - Jakarta 10310

Please note that applications sent via e-mail will not be taken into consideration.

CCF Jakarta
Jl Salemba Raya no 25
Tel. : (021) 310 18 84
Fax : (021) 310 13 17

CCF Bandung
Jl Purnawarman no 32
Tel. : (022) 421 54 30
Fax : (022) 420 78 77

All about preparation of Departure, Life in French, University in French obtainable in and Scholarship Brochure

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Thursday, March 1, 2007

[Indonesia] Research Assistant with Full Scholarship Research Assistant (40 hours, 18 months) with S2 FULL SCHOLARSHIP in BiNus University


* Min. education S1 with top 10% class (GPS minimum 3.00) in any discipline from accredited top-rated university in Indonesia and overseas, graduated not later than year 2004
* Computer proficiency and working knowledge of MS Office - Word, Excel. (Knowledge of SPSS is an advantage)
* Research experience and report writing skills
* Self-motivated; able to work with minimal supervision
* Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills
* Obtaining a recommendation letter from Dean or Head of Department
* RAs will not be offered any salary, allowances and insurance

General requirements:

* Graduate in recognized School/Institute/Academy/University background
* Has initiative and team work
* Excellent written and spoken English with min. TOEFL score 550 or equivalent
* Good analytical & conceptual thinking, creative & innovative
* Computer literacy and internet skill
* Agree and willing to work on Saturday

Click here to visit website

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